Chapter 7, the question.

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AN: Heyyy! Thank you for 100 reads!! It makes me so happy. Leave somthing in the comments if you want and pleaseee vote! lysm -xx-


Liza's POV

"David what's this?" He doesn't answer. "David? DAVID?!"                                                                                He looks at me with a guilty face and laughs. "Just keep watching." He says.                                         We come closer and I see Gabbie, Zane, Toddy, Scotty, Alex, Erin, Dom, Carly, Heath, Nik and Jason standing with signs in their hands. When Gabbie sees I'm watching she yells something to the other people. Then they lift up the signs. It reads: 'Liza will you marry me?' I look at David. He looks at me with some cute face, he stopped the car. "Are you serious?" I ask him as we both walk out of the car. We're standing on some little hill with a beautiful sunset and all our friends behind us. Then he grabs my hands and sit down on one knee. "Liza, since the moment I saw you I were in love with you. We've been trough some difficult times lately, and we're still together. That proves that we really love eachother. Even if this all happens again, and I hope it won't, I will still love you. Liza I will forever help you, stand next to you and support you. You can always make my cry, laugh and whatever. I know you will always be there for me and I will always be there for you. You're my best friend. Liza I want to be with you all my life. Elizabeth Sheila Koshy, will you marry me?" When he's done I cry. "Yes! Ofcourse I wanna marry you!!" He stands up and we kiss. All the friends are yelling ad clapping, Gabbie is even crying. 

David's POV

I just asked Liza to marry me. I'm so happy se said yes! She was freaked out about the ring I got her. We're home now, it's 8 pm. We're both on our phones on Liza's bed. Then I see she looks at me, I look back. She leans in for a kiss and I kiss her back. It was a long and passionate kiss. Liza now sits on top of me, we're kissing again. Liza slowly lifts up my shirt. "Maybe we should try now." I know what she means. "Are you sure?" "Yes I am, we both waited long enough." She takes off my shirt and I take of hers. She has gained more weight as she was SUPER skinny from the cures. "You look so nice." I say, she laughs. We start taking off the rest of our clothes and when we're both naked it begins. I'm afraid I'll hurt her and she notices that. "Go on." She says. "I will say it when it hurts."                                                                                                                                              When we're finished I say. "Woww that was good! I really missed that. Didn't I hurt you?" "Not at all, I missed it to." She says. "Want to do it again?" I ask. She kisses  me and I know that means yes. We do it all again and later we fall asleep cuddling.

AN: Sorry  it was a small chapter but I wanted to make it special and I didn't have a lot of time.      -xx- see you soon!

liza koshy&david dobrik. ~COMPLETED~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ