STAND BY ME - chapter 02

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---- 2 HOURS LATER ----

I sat under a tree, with the cool breeze shaking the leaves. 

What could Mikoto have meant? What does she have in mind, that woman? I should probably go pick up Hanabi from the Academy... 

---- AT THE ACADEMY ----

I looked at the academy, reminiscing in the times at which I was once a student. The bell rang, dismissing the students, of which a handful already got out. 

I see my five year old younger sister, Hanabi, running towards me. "Aya!!! I miss you so much!" I leaned downwards, and picked her up, pecking her a kiss on the cheek.

"I miss you much more, my lil' monkey. How has school been?"

"Aya, you don't have to carry me... I'm not little anymore.. but school's been great!"

"Hah! That's cute. You'll always be my little baby. Let's go home, I'll pick up your favourite snack on the way. How about some dango?" I offered.
She nodded in agreement, with a bright smile plastered on her face.

We stopped by a dango shop near the academy. With surprise, I noticed two people with Uchiha crests on their back. Itachi was there with Izumi. 

Jealousy sparked in the depth of my stomach. It made me feel disgusted to be this jealous. I shouldn't be. 

"Itachi!" Hanabi shrieked.  Itachi and Izumi turned around towards me. 

"Hey, guys," I smiled, "Nice seeing you, Izumi." 

"Hey, Aya, Hanabi." Itachi said, looking at me. 

"Oi, Aya! It's been so long! Welcome back! You've been the talk of the village lately." Izumi exclaimed. 

My eyes widened. "Talk of the village? That's pleasant to hear..." I said, daydreaming for a slight second. What are people saying? Is it just normal clan-talk, for being the heir? That's probably it. 

"Any way, I'll leave you two alone," My gaze lingered onto Itachi for a bit. My attention then turned to the dangos on display, "Hanabi, which one would you like?"

Hanabi pointed towards her favourite. "Ya know, I knew you'd pick that one!" I said, smiling. Her habits never change. I paid for the dango and left.

I kept glancing at Izumi as I stepped out, she shared sweet smiles with Itachi.

Judging by her body language, she totally likes him. 

---- WALKING ---- 

"Onesan... do you like Izumi?" Hanabi said, her eyes perked up.

"Izumi? She's alright, a very skilled shinobi." I said, truthfully. 

"But I bet she can't compete with you, Onesan. You're so strong!!"

"Ah, Hanabi. I'm not that strong," denying her accusations out of modesty, "Let's not talk about that. Hopefully, you'll be even more stronger than me one day." I said, rubbing her hair, smiling to her. She giggled.

Finally home. 

"Okaeri, Aya. Come over here." I heard my father say. I set Hanabi down and went to my father and mother.  I sat down in front of them, bowing first.

Hiashi, my father, his glares became more intimidating than when I first remembered. My mother was sitting right beside him, with a gentle smile on her face. 

"Hokage-sama granted me a day off today." I informed them.

"You deserve it, you've been working so hard lately." My mother commented.

Hiashi closed his eyes.

"Your byakugan has been becoming more powerful. You need to handle more missions to keep the village safe." He said, blatantly. 

"Father... My work load is already-"

"Nonsense. The Hyuga will not tolerate any excuses. You are an heir. You need to be an exemplary role model to your sisters and to the clan, so that they will learn from you and also become exceptional shinobi." 

My mother glared at Hiashi. "Go easy on our daughter, Hiashi. She's only 19, she is juggling a lot right now."

My father clenched his eyebrows. 
"Father," I said, bowing, "I'll try my best, as always. I'm taking on na S-classed mission, scheduled for tomorrow. I may not be back for some time."

I got up and left. My eyes were getting hot, I felt tears swelling up in my eyes. I marched upstairs to my room. I heaved out a sigh. 

Is my existence merely robotic? 

...When will this empty, hollow feeling go away? 

I buried my face into my pillow. My emotions have been kept inside for too long. I burst into tears. 

All this pressure is getting to me. 


I stirred awake, the sunset's light casting an orange tint through my window into my room.

That.. was a great napIt's evening. Time to go downstairs. I take a deep breath and smell food being prepared. Yes!

I walk by Hinata's room and hear her shuffling back and forth. I knock on her door. 

I haven't seen her in so long. 

"Who is it? Come inside!" Hinata said. I found her inside organizing her tools. Kunai, shuriken, blades.

"Oi, Hinata. Dinner's almost ready. Let's go help mother." I said, smiling. She nodded and we both went downstairs.

"Okaasan, Hinata and I are here to help." I said, as we both entered the kitchen.

"Both of you get the plates out and ready!" Mother ordered. 

Hanabi ran up to me and nudged my leg. "Onesan!! Please, please stay with us this week!" Her eyes eagerly set onto me. 

I lowered myself to her height, nudging her hair. "I can't, Hanabi. I have a mission tomorrow." I said, almost feeling guilty. I wish I could be around my sisters more often. 

The plates and glasses were set onto the table, the food freshly prepared, all of us ready to eat. Hiashi and my mother were sitting beside each other, and the rest of us surrounded the table. 


We gobbled the food with joy, smiles and laughters, all spent with my family.

Just like old times. 

Stand By Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن