Chapter 40: TLC

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Song: "Sorry" by Justin Bieber

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When I got to my car, I sat in the driver's seat and wept. I finally texted both Gabby and Beth, saying, I got sick over lunch. It came on really quick but I threw up and feel lousy. Must be a stomach bug going around. Sorry. 

It wasn't the exact truth, but I did throw up; at least that part was true. Or maybe I was really coming down with something. I hated to think that Harry and our messed up relationship could be the sole cause for my misery. It might have been more professional to call, but I didn't trust my voice to not give away my current emotional state.

I finally started my car and drove through Taco Bell where I was tempted to order twice the amount of food I would normally eat. I was so upset, yet so hungry, but I opted for a few soft tacos and a Coke. I hoped it wouldn't make me sick again. I ate some in the parking lot, and then I munched the rest of the way to my parents' home as my stomach would allow.

I still had a key so I'd be able to let myself in if my family wasn't home, but thankfully Mom was there. I needed her more than anything. She knew something was wrong right away. Obviously. Why else would her 22-year-old daughter show up in the middle of a work day with red eyes and a runny nose, carrying an overnight bag?

"Oh, baby, what happened?" She asked in that way only a mother can do. She pulled me inside, shut the door and held me.

I burst into angry, ugly sobs once again, crying until I couldn't cry anymore. When I finally stopped, she took my things to my room and I wandered to the kitchen table and plopped down in a chair. When she came back, she asked, "Do you want something to drink? Tea or coffee? Or maybe something cold?" 

I laughed suddenly said, "No, but I'm dying for some ice cream." My appetite was back at least.

"Ice cream it is," she said, pulling out a container of vanilla and one of Death By Chocolate. She set the DBC in front of me, knowing that was my absolute favorite. "Nothing like some ice cream for a broken heart, huh? Or at least a troubled heart."

I ate a few bites, trying to control my emotions. Then I told her everything about Cathryn's family and how rudely they had treated me. I hadn't really had the occasion to tell her any of it before because it had all happened just before the holidays and I didn't want to spoil our celebrations together talking about that whole chaotic event. Besides, Harry and I had made up by then, so it wasn't really relevant. But now I filled her in on everything, from their rude behavior to Harry's accusations and revelations, and then on to the necklace and the dreams I'd been having about Cathryn.

My mother had always been the best listener. She just nodded and absorbed everything while I went on forever. I finally wrapped everything up by saying, "I don't even know if I have a right to be upset. I mean, it really doesn't involve me directly, right? It's between him and Cathryn's family, right?" 

"Oh honey, you do have the right to be upset because you asked him specifically about the necklace and he lied to you," she said. "And he knew what your dreams meant and lied about that, too. He got you involved as soon as he introduced you to that ridiculous mess."

"So you don't think that's crazy, that I heard messages from Harry's dead wife in my dreams?"

"What do you think?" I hated when she turned the question back on me.

"Theoretically, I believe it's possible, but it's hard to believe when it could happen to me, I suppose. And why would Cathryn contact me? If I told anyone that, they'd think I was certifiably insane."

"You told Harry. And you told me. I don't think you're insane, and I'm pretty sure Harry knows you're not," Mom said in all seriousness. "Regan, it would be silly for us to believe there's no world or no life beyond this one. There is too much evidence that these kinds of things happen, quite often I think, although not everyone believes it, and some people just don't listen. But that's one thing we have to hold on to after someone we love dies - there are still signs they send to us, to let us know they're okay."

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