Pancakes and Parties

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The next day wasn't any funner. I wasn't interested in spending anytime with the majesty Chloe. I went for breakfast by the beach at a little place called Strictly Pancakes with a girl I met who's Jai's neighbour.

"So,how do you know Jai?" Fion asked as she took a big bite of her chocolate chip pancake.

"We go waaaay back. We met when we were little. The little girls I met at the playground always had a way of making me feel like crap. I wasn't like them." I took a sip of my milkshake before continuing.

"He was my only friend.." Fion nodded her head,as if she understood.

"Do you like Chloe?" I just needed to bitch about her. I don't know why it i did. I disliked her that much.

Her face scrunched up into a scowl.

"Does anyone?" I asked.

"Not really..I still don't get how she's popular. Everyone's just looking for a reason to hate her. Jai is such a cheesy ball though. He's all about that,'She's a good person but no one gives her a chance!' But me? I smell bullshit. " She took ate the remainder of her pancake before burping.


She rubbed her belly which was surprisingly tiny for someone who ate that much quickly.

"You love me." She winked and grabbed her bag. After we ppaid we went for a walk along the shops. Fion being Fion,she got some more chocolate. Me being me,I got a necklace for my mother and a shirt for my dad with a pineapple print. I just ran out of ideas,okay?


I felt something in that cave for Petrina. It was stronger than what I feel for Chloe. Which wasn't much but it was something. I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes before turning over to face my side table that had two pieces of paper on it.

"Going shopping with Chloe. See ya later!-mummy"

"Going out for breakfast with Fion. Kick you later!-Petrina"

I rolled my eyes at Petrina's note. Tomorrow was the day(well,night)I was going to throw a party celebrating my success so far. And well,I still haven't prepared my guest list. So,I sent a quick text out to all my friends before rolling over to get more sleep. I was going to need it.

(HAYY GUISE. hope you enjoyed the story!kisses xx)

From Treehouses to Mansions:Jai WaetfordWhere stories live. Discover now