The Reunion

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A/N:Hey guys! this whole story will be written in Petrina's Pov,except maybe at the end it'll be jai or chloe's. thankkssss xo

I dragged my bag through the airport alone,wanting to surprise Jai by meeting him at his house instead. So,I decided to tell him that I was landing two hours after. I got into a cab after I got my luggage and changed the $300 my mother had given me for the 4 day trip. I was staying with the Waetford family after all,so I didn't need to pay for a hotel or motel or cottage or whatever.

I was wearing skinny jeans and a shirt,along with a sweater. I was pretty damn tired after the flight,so I didn't bother if I looked like a mess.

I arrived at the Waetford house and ringed the door bell. His mother,who was a beautiful and nice lady,was about to scream in excitement,but I held up a finger to my lips and she quickly got the message.

"Mum,who's that?" Jai asked from where he was standing in the kitchen,facing the other direction.

When I saw him,all I wanted to do was hug him and tell him how much I miss him. His mother said something which I have no clue about,since I was too focused on seeing him. His mother stepped out onto the porch and brought me to the back door. I pushed opened the door and took in a deep breath.

"Surprise,JJ!" I screamed as he tackled me to hug me.

"Penguin! I missed you!" I hugged him back tightly. Then as I turned my head,I noticed a girl who looked like Chloe,well,the description I got of Chloe from Jai.

"You must be Chloe." I said after Jai released me from his breath taking hug. Literally breath taking.

Chloe rolled her eyes for a second before walking over with a smirk on her face. I see you,Chloe Slade. I see you.

"Yep,you must be Peter."

"Petrina." Did this bitch really think I was a boy?

"Uh. Right. I'm Chloe Slade." She stuck out her hand.

"More like Chloe Snake-In-The-Grass." said my inner self.

"Petrina Greenfield." I shook it and she shook mine before pulling away with a disgusted face which she held for 2 seconds.

"Hey girls,me and Jai are going to run some errands. My number is on the fridge if you need anything!" His mother said.

"Be back in 10." Jai said before closing the door.

A silence(well,it was more like a silent death glare battle) fell over the room. I decided to break it.

"What do-"

"Oh,save the small talk. I know you like Jai. And I'm pretty sure the feeling isn't mutual. Me and him item now." She smirked. I swear her smirk made me want to slap her with her 4 inch heels.

"Listen here,pepper spray. You have known Jai..what? A month? Me? I've known Jai a good 9 years. So here we are,me,trying to be a good friend to Jai,pretending that I like your company.. then there's you. Being a biatch for no reason. So stay out of my way,and I'll stay out of yours. Deal?" I mimicked her little smirk.

"Whatevs." She rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch.

But hey,I wasn't going to let a bitch ruin my time in Australia. And lets just say,the trip has just begun.

A/N: Heyyyoo guys thanks for reading. Love you! kisses xx

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