Slipping Off The Edge - Malec

Start from the beginning

"Is that such a bad thing?"

"Oh so you're plan is to let everyone die? To let Valentine destroy everything? Glad you're not calling the shots now."

"Well then, if I'm just the horrible leader you make me out to believe how are you doing any better?"

Alec was silent, truthfully he didn't know how to reply.

"Exactly, you are a worse leader than me. Want to know why? Clouded judgement doesn't fair well when dealing with a pressing situation like this. If Jace were to kill Valentine back then, we wouldn't have a problem, if Clary was dead, yet again no problem, hell you probably could of even stopped the demon attack that killed Joselyn, if you would have let Valentine kill Simon he would have lost all leverage. I may be harsh by your standards but I'm not the idiot who is causing the Soul-Sword to be activated and looks like you can't change it now. But come on, it's just downworlders, right? The bad things we have to keep in line so they don't wreak havoc, those half demons who's very nature is to do bad, oh but yes I almost forgot, you're precious parabatai has demon blood in him, oh and that little boyfriend of yours, Magnus is it? Looks like I was wrong, you're going to lose two of your loved one because of your blindness, but I guess you have your sister, how is she doing staying off Yin Fen? Still seeing that pesky vamp? Looks like he'll be gone too. But even your sister isn't a guaranteed, right? Alec Lightwood calls the shots and suddenly all the balance created by downworlder and shadowhunters will be destroyed and you will probably be sent off to Idris but hey, say hi to mum and dad for me, heard their fighting as usual. Anyways I'll let you enjoy you're last few hours of running the institute, I can't want to get it back after the Clave is done with you."

Alec stayed silent as Aldertree heads out, a smirk very present on his face.

Alec is frozen in his place before ultimately slamming a hand down onto the desk. He lets out a harsh sigh, yet again, resting his head in his hand, his head spinning now more than ever.

Part of him fought so hard to disagree with everything Aldertree said to him. To just disregard it as nothing more than a petty jab to get him upset and break his focus.

But another part of him was screaming how right he was about everything he said, soon it wore down the other part and Alec couldn't help but go to a dark place.

He killed Clary's mom.

He basically handed Clary to Valentine on a silver platter.

He fucked everything up with Jace.

He decided not to kill Simon, instead killing every downworlder, including Simon.

The thoughts keep coming and coming leading him further until only one thought takes over his mind.

He was the monster who ruined everything.

Aldertree was right, he was never fit to be in charge, everything would be better off without him.

Jocelyn would still be here.

Clary would still be at the institute.

Jace wouldn't of been captured by Valentine in the first place.

Everything would have been better without him.

Absolutely everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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