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They were finally letting me go home, and I couldn't be happier.

I felt so trapped in that hospital, but, Ice stayed with me all day and all night.

He only left to shower and get food for us.

Putting my fur slides on, I sat on the bed, turning my attention to the door when Ice walked in the room holding the car seat for Kam.

"Hey baby, you two ready?" Nodding my head, he kissed my lips.

"She's sleeping, don't wake her please." Watching him place the car seat on the hospital bed, he picked Kamryn up carefully placing her in the seat. After buckling her up, he covered her with the hood, and a blanket.

The nurse walked in pushing the wheel chair. She was my favorite nurse of them all.

"We have to take you out in the hospital whip." The nurse joked, as I sat in the wheelchair.

"You VIP babe." He added on to the joke, as she rolled me out the room, and Ice followed behind us.

The nurse helped me get in the back seat, while Ice placed Kam's car seat in strapping it up.

Watching Ice get into the drivers seat, I turned my attention to Kamryn.

"This still doesn't seem real, I'm a mom." We shared a laugh, cause I'm sure both of us was thinking the same thing.

"When we first started, I didn't think we would be you know... here" I continued.

I loved Kamryn more than anything in this world, and I was glad she entered my life, even if the relationship she came from was toxic.

We would try to work it out for Kamryn and to add, he's kept Cyn from out of our conversations, and that made me happy.

He didn't bring her up, so neither would I.

"I'm glad we here though, it took a long ass time but shit our journey was worth it." He continued to drive home.

The last thing I wanted was to get with Ice by default, if he was going to end up with me, it was because he was ready to leave Cyn and be with me.

Either way, I'm happy we're both where we want to be.

"Long? I felt like we were going through the motion for some years." I exaggerated looking at my apartment building as Ice pulled into our assigned parking spot.

"Home sweet home" I unbuckled Kams car seat, to make it easier for Ice.

Getting out the car carefully,  I ignored the pain and walked to the door of my apartment.

Unlocking the door, I walked in smiling. Everything was the way I left it.

Ice placed Kamryn's seat on the couch, I walked over taking her out rocking her slowly, the biggest smile appeared on my face.

Ice walked over wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Christiana, what do you have planned after college?"  I snuggled closer to him.

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