Not sure how to respond, Hannah said "It's fine. Let's just forget about it.  I'm going to go take a shower now."  The girl responded with a nod. "My names Hannah by the way.  What's yours?"  "Breanna" she said, as she still sat there in the same position on the floor.  Gathering her clothes, and a towel, Hannah kept looking back to Breanna.  She was still sitting in the same spot on the floor, almost five minutes later. "Are you okay Breanna?  You didn't get too hurt when you tripped did you?"  "I'm okay." Breanna said in a quiet, but calm voice.  "Okay then, I'll be back later." Hannah said, as she left for the showers.

        Hannah was in the shower for about fifteen minutes.  She spent this time processing what had just happened between her, and her new roommate.  "Well, she definitely seems like a nice person.  She is a little odd though.  Still, it could be worse." she thought to herself, as she finished up in the shower.  It was now almost noon, and Hannah was starting to get hungry.  She decided she would go back to her room, and see if Breanna wanted to join her for lunch.  The two of them hadn't gotten the chance to talk much, and Hannah really wanted them to get along.  

        Arriving back at the room, Hannah found Breanna sitting on her own bed, half covered up with a blanket, and reading a book.  There was a faint, pleasant scent in the air that she didn't notice before she left for her shower.  Breanna didn't react much to her returning to the room.  Hannah walked over to her bed, and sat down looking in Breanna's general direction.  After a couple minutes of waiting for Breanna to take a break from her book, Hannah finally gave up and said "I'm going to the Cafe for lunch.  Wanna come?" About five more seconds of awkward silence passed, before Breanna replied with a short and simple "Sure."

        Breanna climbed out of her bed, and put her shoes on.  She then stuck the book she was reading into her bag, put the strap over her shoulder, and was ready to go.  Hannah didn't notice it before, but Breanna was wearing a completely different outfit than earlier.  A black top, and blue jeans.  Not quite as cute as the one she was wearing earlier, but still it looked nice on her.

        "I'm ready" Breanna said, as she stood there waiting for Hannah, who was obviously lost in thought.  "Oh, sorry I space out sometimes." Hannah grabbed her bag, and the two left for the Cafe.  The Cafe was about a three minute walk away.  Hannah wanted to use this time to get to know Breanna a little.  "So how do you like our room?" asked Hannah.  "It's okay, I guess.  I've never shared a room with anyone before." Breanna replied, obviously nervous.  "Me neither.  I was pretty worried about what kind of person I would have to share a room with.  I can tell you're a nice person though, so that makes it a lot easier, for me at least." Hannah responded, trying to make Breanna feel more comfortable.  This didn't seem to work, as Breanna still appeared uncomfortable.  The two didn't talk much more on the way to the Cafe.

        At the Cafe, Hannah purchased a ham sub, and a large Dr. Pepper.  Unsure of what she should get, Breanna decided to just go with the same.  The two found a table, in an area without too many other people, and quietly ate their meals. Hannah finished her food first.  She then sat there sipping her drink, while waiting patiently for Breanna to finish with hers.  It only took a couple of minutes for Breanna to finish up.  Hannah was eager to have a real conversation with her roommate.  Hannah asked "So Breanna, what are you going to major in?"  "I haven't really decided." Breanna responded.  "No?  I'm majoring in graphic design."  Hannah said trying to keep the conversation going.  Breanna nodded, and seemed interested, but didn't have anything to add.  "You don't talk much, do you?" Hannah said, obviously slightly irritated.  "I'm sorry...I've never really had any friends.  I get nervous around people." Breanna said meekly.  "I promise, you don't have to be nervous around me.  Lets go back to our room, so we can talk easier." Hannah suggested.  Breanna agreed with a simple "Okay"

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