First Day

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        "Finally, my first day of college.  I can't wait to see what my room is like." Hannah said, anxiously.   "And your roommate too." Replied her mother. "Oh yeah, I can't wait for that either!  I hope she's nice.." Hannah said clearly becoming lost in thought.  Different versions of potential roommates running though her mind.  Each version of her roommate became increasingly difficult to be around.  Without realizing it, Hannah had become extremely worried, and almost scared to meet her roommate.  

        As their car pulled into the parking lot, Hannah snapped back to reality.  "Here we are." said her mother almost as if presenting the college to Hannah.  "It's big." Said Hannah.  Her voice was quiet, and with a pinch of fear.  Looking at her, Hannah's mother could tell she was nervous. "Everything okay, Hannah?  I wish I could go in, and see your room with you, but I can't be late for work, and it's a long drive." she said in a sympathetic tone.  "Yeah, I know me too, I'd be at least a little less nervous with you there.  Drive safe, love you."  Hannah responded, clearly still worried about her imminent meeting. Her mother responded quickly "Love you too, call me tonight."  Hannah nodded, and waved goodbye, as her mother drove away.

        After a few minutes spent finding her room, Hannah finally arrived at the door.  "Here goes" she said quietly to herself as she opened the door.  It was quiet, and empty.  Her roommate hadn't arrived yet.  Hannah sighed with relief, if only for a brief moment.  It didn't take her long to realize that she now had to wait even longer to meet her new roommate.  Hannah decided to familiarize herself with the room, and unpack a little.  There were two beds each against its own wall, at the back of the room.  Two drawers were built into the bottom of each bed, serving as a small dresser.  There was a small closet, on the wall in between the two beds.  Just large enough to hang some clothes, but too small for much else.  At the end of each bed was a small desk.  Each with two small drawers.  Accompanying each desk was an uncomfortable looking wooden chair.

        Hannah walked over to the bed on her left, and started unpacking her bags into the drawers at the bottom.  After unpacking, she decided all she could do now, was wait to meet her new roommate.  She didn't have her first lecture until tomorrow.  Hannah ended up lying down on her bed, continuing her thoughts from earlier. "I really hope she isn't mean. Hopefully someone I can trust.  Someone quiet would be preferable."  Her thoughts drifted, as Hannah slowly fell asleep.

        Hannah dreamt of a time when she was younger.  She was about 4 years old, playing with a ball, in her backyard.  While playing, Hannah had tripped and skinned her knee.  Hearing Hannah crying in pain, her mother came to the rescue.  Her mother picked her up, and carried her inside, to the bathroom.  After cleaning, and bandaging Hannah's knee, her mother softly kissed the bandage, while telling Hannah she was now all better.  The two then went to the living room, to watch TV.  Lying on the couch together, Hannah's mother held Hannah in her arms as the two of them fell asleep.

        A couple hours later, Hannah woke up in a really good mood. Unfortunately this didn't last long.  As she woke up Hannah discovered an arm wrapped around her.  Surprised and confused, Hannah jumped up out of bed to face the person who had been cuddling her in her sleep. The unknown girl was shocked by the sudden jolt of movement from Hannah.  In an attempt to move away from Hannah as she was jumping out of bed, the other girl had tripped, and fallen to the floor.  Frozen in fear, at the sight of Hannah's angry face, all the girl could do now was sit there with tears rolling down her cheeks.

        Looking down at the other girl, Hannah started to yell "What the hell are you.." she trailed off.  Confused, she stood there speechless, as she looked closer at the crying girl on the floor.  The girl had light brown hair, and was wearing a cute outfit.  She was obviously shorter than Hannah, which was surprising because Hannah was relatively short herself.  The girl's face was extremely red, which Hannah couldn't help but find adorable.  Hannah really couldn't stay mad at her for long.  A few moments passed when finally Hannah broke the silence.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get hurt.  You just scared me." she said.  The fallen girl sniffling, attempting to stop her tears responded. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.  When I walked in, I saw you lying there with tears in your eyes.  I couldn't help myself."  Hearing this, and recalling her earlier dream, Hannah's face turned an even deeper shade of red than the other girl.

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