Chapter 13: What in the Sam Hill?

Start from the beginning

'Yes, you have a problem?' said Arjun absent-minded but got to senses very quickly. He opened his mouth to say something, anything that will remove the traces of his foolishness, but no, he cannot reverse the irreversible. Radhika is shooting daggers through her eyes as if the entire fault is his. Didn't she rile him up to call her that? She should know by now that he calls her 'Doll' when he is too much happy or angry. Why is everyone on the verge to break something or the other on his head every single time? Before it was Pawan when he invited that Cartoon Minister as his wife called him to his house. Now it is his wife. Can't he live peacefully even for a second? No, scratch that, even for a zillionth of a second. Why is this Pawan having a smug smile on his face? What did he achieve so grand now? Ah!! Right!! Didn't he get the secret name he calls his wife? Why should he speak the endearment in front of him? Now itself he is killing him with all his romantic ideas. And then he got to know this, what will he do? Oh!! Dear God!! If you are out here, please erase this piece of information from Pawan's mind.

'So you call her Doll. What kind of doll?? The one with which people perform black magic?' asked Pawan and shut his mouth when he realised his mistake. Radhika is with them, goddamit. He thought he can escape the punishment earlier, didn't he? Now there is not even a single chance she will listen to his explanations and he spoiled that with his own hands. He may even be hanged for this. He doesn't want to die at such a young age. He doesn't even have a girlfriend for heaven's sake. What would happen to his girlfriend if he dies? She will become widow even before he asked her hand for marriage. He should burrow a hole and go for hibernation till these nut heads confess their feelings. Or else his mouth and these two crackpots will be the reasons for his demise.

'Now listen to me both of you. You think you are the cleverest of all the people, right? So pray tell me what will be the punishment I'm going to give you both for all these things you did to me?' asked Radhika rubbing her hands in a gleeful manner. She is so going to enjoy this.

Arjun and Pawan saw each other faces that moment and they both know they are out of ideas and cannot think of a suitable answer. So they let their minx do the talking.

'No.' Answered Arjun and Pawan at the same time.

'There it goes again. Why are you both speaking at the same time?'

'We don't know.' Said Arjun and Pawan.

'Ughh!! No, forget it. I'm not going to ask you both any questions.' Listening to a relieved sigh from Arjun and Pawan, Radhika continued 'Besides I've a very cool idea for tonight. Do you want to listen?'

Arjun and Pawan nodded their heads vigorously in a yes to listen to this cool idea so that they can turn this idea to their favour. Seeing their enthusiasm Radhika threw her first arrow.

'You both will not get dinner tonight.' Their lower jaws hit the ground; it means her arrow hit the target. She is not finished yet because there are more arrows in her Quiver. She is not going to use all of them but one will do for the present scenario. 'And you will watch me when I'm taking my dinner. I should see your faces when I'm devouring all the delicacies that I ordered from your favourite restaurant.' Said Radhika with a winning smirk on her face.

When did Arjun think she is cute again? He is cursing that moment and his mind for even thinking that way. She is devil reincarnation. She wants to see their lapdog faces when she is going to gobble down all the finest dishes. Not fair at all. Should he protest for his right? Or should he settle down for his punishment? What will be the consequences if he protests? And he should live with her too. It is better to accept the punishment unless he wants to double this one. Pawan is not the one who is going to succumb to the punishment. He needs to speak even though his mouth lands him in problems. Thank Goodness!! He didn't contest the elections as one of the candidates in the cabinet. His government would have been fallen even before it is sprouted.

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