Is This A... Date?

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"Sorry I kept you waiting, but those two seem to be quite the characters." You said, as you looked at him. "Oh, It's fine. Do not worry, I have plenty of patience." He replied, as you gave an unsure look. Seeming to have quite the awkward personality when it comes to talking with others. You quickly got over it though.

"By the way, this may be different than your regular human food." He said, as you seemed to get a bit confused by his statement. "What do you mean?" You asked, as he then continued with his information. "Well, normal human food will pass right through your body. But this kind of food won't. It's why there were no bathrooms underground. Monster food is basically like a magic item to settle your hunger. It also never spoils which is also a good thing."

You gave it some thought, before you then looked at the food. Slightly weirded out by the idea. "So, this wont poison me or something. Right?" You asked, almost scared. Not wanting to die by some weird food.

"You will be fine. If anything it is much cleaner. And so much better for. Other reasons. But yes, it is a very good thing. Instead of having a bathroom we have a room for whatever we want." He said, as he began to dig into the food in front of him. It looked like some sort of breakfast pie. It was weird, but you decided it was best to not think too much of it. As you started off with a piece of toast.

"So, you used to be king?" You asked, as he swallowed the food he was thoroughly chewing. "Yes, I ruled over the underground for some time. Actually, for a while I was planning war on the humans. A small child named Frisk made me choose otherwise however. It was quite the adventure for some time, though I did get quite bored with such endeavors. I never wanted to do it, but I felt like I had to."

You nodded, starting to eat more. Drinking the coffee that came with your meal. You were starving and it was great to get some food in your system. Well, as much as this weird food could be in your system. 

"Well, I'm glad you aren't killing me with some sort of spear or sword." You said, jokingly smiling as he began to laugh a bit. "Yes, I am glad too. Humans sure have changed, since the last time." He remarked, as you stretched a bit. Your feet touching his as he began to blush slightly. His face slightly pink from the contact.

"What's wrong?" You ask, as he faces his plate. "Nothing. Nothing." He replied, clearly nervous. You looked at him, before resuming with your meal. "Hey, you still need some new clothes. Right?" You ask, since he was clearly standing out. You knew of a few places that may be able to fit his size. 

"Oh? Well, I suppose that I should have something a bit more suitable for life on the surface. Surely I don't want to stand out." He agreed, as he then began to look at you carefully. Almost staring as you began to think to yourself.

Asgore was... Quite the character. For some reason, you felt quite attached to him even though you barely got to know him. Something about him made you feel happy. You began to smile as you finished up with the plate of food, sipping your coffee as you then began to rest your head on your hand.

"This is fun." You remarked, as you began to watch the taller male eat the remaining parts of the pie. He seemed to smile slightly as he continued to eat. "Well, what is it that I should be wearing? Any ideas or suggestions?" He asked, wanting your opinion. 

"Well, I would suggest you get a few T-shirts, some jeans and shorts and stuff like that. But it's really all up to you. We- you should decide when we get there." You said, as he began to laugh a bit. "Oh? You want to choose what I wear? How... Interesting." He gave a small chuckle as he looked you in the eyes. slowly beginning to stare as he watched your face go red. 

He then began to look at you turn away, trying to hide your face as he gave you a look. Making you nervous. He enjoyed it, as he then began to relax into his chair. "Well, I think I would love whatever you chose." He said, smiling at you as you then began to laugh it off.

"Uh-huh, well I doubt I would be any good at that." You said, defeated with his words. He was making you lose your cool. You didn't know why, but he really got to you. It was so confusing for you. But you managed to hold in as he then began to get up. Leaving a bit of money on the table. 

"Well, shall we be off? I would like to get into some new clothes soon." He said, smirking at you. "Well, sure." You muttered, as you followed him out the door. Grillbz giving you a farewell as you then went to your car, getting into the seat as you started the engine. Asgore soon cramming himself into the seat. 

"You know that you will have to get used to that eventually, right? Here, let me fix it." YOu said, as you reached down to grab the latch on his seat, trying to pull it back. He noticed your hand get noticeably closer to his crotch, making him faintly blush as he watched you put his seat back. "Golly, this is a bit- Nevermind." He said, as you just fixed his seat for him. "You should learn how to use these sort of things. They are quite common and well you are eventually gonna need to learn how to use everyday objects up here." You said, as he nervously laughed. 

"Well, I am not too sure how these things work, how do you remember how to use them?" He asked, as you just gave him a simple shrug. "Its as simple as pulling a little lever." You then began to pull out. Before heading back. You then started to get annoyed at how tired you had been, you kept it from getting to the better of you but it was really taking it's toll after eating. 

With a few moments passed. You then realized something very crucial. 

You could have did this all online, and saved all this effort. 

Beginning to get annoyed, you let out a loud sigh and cocked your head. Making Asgore look at you a bit weirdly. "Er, are you okay?" He asked, as you then tiredly hung your head. "Here, I know a much better way to do this. Lets head back to my house, I would rather just go ahead and do that. This is tedious." You muttered, beginning to turn and head the way back to your house. 

After about 10 minutes, you pulled into your driveway. Letting yourself out of the car as you then began to head into the house, Asgore following behind you, after fumbling with his seatbelt. 

The two of you went to your room, where you showed him your computer. Pulling up Amazon, and letting him use it. "Here, this should be way easier." You said, as he took a seat in the chair, you getting on your bed as you tiredly began to close your eyes. 

After a few minutes, Asgore got confused behind the computer. "Oh, are you tired?" He asked, as you just folded your arms. "Yes. I was up all night." You replied, as he began to go over to you. Looking at you, making you feel a bit awkward.

"Oh, that's no good." He replied, before trying to cover you up, handing you a pillow. "Do you want me to stay?" He asked, not really wanting to leave. But you began to yawn, before you then responded. "I'll be fine, you should get ready, I can help later tonight when i wake up. Okay?" 


((Hey, I know this is hella short, but i have been busy and well. I have no clue how to extend this chapter l m a o))

Asgore Dreemurr x Male! ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum