The Wake Up Call

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Well, you slept all day, which was quite the bother. You got up, feeling like resuming your slumber, but you were too busy with the fact you still needed to help Asgore out with some of the stuff he was supposed to be doing. He seemed to enjoy bugging you, at least thats how you thought of it. 

getting up, you made your way to the kitchen, only to be halted by the sound of a small but audible snore, from the living room. Made by none other than Asgore himself. You began to stretch a bit, before you had made your way over to the larger asleep male. Finding a note on your coffee table.

"Dearest Y/n. I locked myself out of my house. 
Also I am very tired, I would sleep in your room but that would be a bit awkward.
So I am sleeping here, I hope this is not an inconvenience. I have not been able to reach my friends.

You looked at him for a minute, before positioning his head on a throwpillow and getting a blanket from the nearby closet that you occasionally put things that you didn't want to deal with in. You then went back on track to the kitchen, looking up recipes and deciding to cook sweets for Asgores little get together.

During the night, you had found quite a few good recipes. Making some chocolate chip cookies, a chocolate cake, and even some chocolate/vanilla cupcakes with some extra batter. You thought it was fun to make stuff, but you soon realized you had spent all night on it, the clock reading 8 am. 

You saw Asgore walk in, smelling the food you had been cooking all night. "Oh, you bake?" He asked, as he began to hover over all the pastries and sweets you had laid out on the counter. "Yes, sometimes. I kinda do." You muttered, as he began to eat some. Before you got a little annoyed. Not wanting him to end up eating all of your sweets.

"Hey- You need those for your party, And now we need to go to the store and find some food that we can cook. But it all depends on what kinda party you want. Your invitations spell rich mansion dinner but I doubt that would be manageable." You said, as he began to nod, finishing the cookie he had recently picked up. 

You began to think for a moment, you had no idea why you were so into baking but it was fun, and you did enjoy throwing together a bunch of seemingly regular ingredients and then having them turn into something delicious. You began to look at the larger goat, before sighing. "Well, you will need steak, potatoes, hamburg, a lot of stuff really. To be honest I would prefer chicken strips. But you will need a lot of shit for your party." You said, as you began to stretch a little. 

He nodded, and began to look around your kitchen, trying to soak in the atmosphere. You just decided to go out to your car, and turn it on. Before you began to honk, waiting for Asgore to come out since you had been in the mood to get the party done and over with. You enjoyed the idea of meeting some of the monsters from the underground that you had been hearing so much about. It excited you, to a certain extent.

You pulled out, and decided to start driving towards the local Walmart. You had usually shopped there since you had found it much simpler to stop in at a Walmart rather then go to some array of stores looking for the best deal on whatever you could find. 

The two of you exited the car, and eventually began to get to the shopping part. Asgore followed closely behind you, trying his best to act polite and keep out of the way of too much attention. He watched you, as you began to pull out the essentials, some steak, hamburg, hotdogs, and a box of chicken nuggets and a frozen pizza because you needed them for later. 

Being a tad clingy, the larger male started to get really close, you could feel his heat almost touch you as you started to take a quick look at him. Nervously stepping away as he began to look at you, his eyes fixated on yours. He probably didn't know what he was doing, but he was nontheless very fixated on you. 

Asgore Dreemurr x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now