The Rogue's Revenge

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Location: The Plaza Hotel, New York City

Code Name: Viper 3

Real Name: Marcus Biloxi

"Viper 3, The target is at the bar, do you copy?" Marcus pressed the button on his earpiece.

"Copy that, I'm heading to the bar."

Marcus walked towards the bar and sat on a stool next to Leonard Abakumov. There was a black leather briefcase set down on the floor next to him. It contained a vile filled with 004. A small dose of 004 had enough power to shut down the entire human body. If you used even more the clear liquid was liquid. It looked and tasted just like water. There was no odor to it either.

"Is it in the bag?' Marcus asked, looking straight ahead in a monotone voice. Abakumov chuckled.

"If it wasn't in the bag then this would be a waste of a trip now wouldn't it?" He said in his thick Russian accent.

Marcus gritted his teeth.

"Just answer the question!"

"Yes it is in the bag," Abakaumov said.

"Good, now hand me the briefcase," Marcus said looking straight ahead.

"No," Abakumov said. Marcus finally looked at him and glared.

"What do you mean no?" Marcus said angrily, his patience was wearing thin.

"I want my money first. I am going to go to the bathroom with my briefcase, when I come back the briefcase full of money should be were my briefcase was. When and only when it is there will I give you the 004."

Marcus nodded in agreement. "Fair enough."

Abakumov smiled and headed to the bathroom with the briefcase. Marcus waved the bartender over.

"What would you like sir?" The bartender asked.

"I'll take a scotch, on the rocks with a twist." Marcus stated. The bartender nodded and began to make his drink.

"What is going on with the mission sir?" The undercover Viper agent whispered to him as he set his drink on the table.

"Abakumov just went to the bathroom, you know what to do Viper 70." Marcus stated while taking a sip of his drink."

The bartender looked up and nodded at Viper 53 who was dressed as a waiter and nodded at him.

"As you wish," Viper 70 said to Marcus. He left his position at the bar and headed to the bathroom with Viper 53 behind him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Abakumov had just walked out of the bathroom stall when he was confronted by the two Vipers.

"Mr. Abakumov?" Viper 53 approached the short man.


Viper 53 pulled out a gun and aimed it right at his head.

"We have a bit of problem." He said smiling evilly.

"Yes we do." Said a voice only familiar to Viper 53. Both Vipers turned around to see a beautiful woman with caramel colored skin and emerald eyes. They both gasped.

She grinned at them. "Hello boys."

"It can't be," Viper 53 said in complete shock. The woman's smile disappeared and she pulled a gun out of her long, red cocktail dress.

"It is."

Viper 70 rushed towards the woman. In a split second she pulled back her arm clenching her fist. She threw it forward with such force that it knocked Viper 70 down. The crack that was heard confirmed that she had broken his nose.

Viper Series: The Rogue's Revenge (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now