Alicia's Betrayal

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Location: Viper Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

Code Name: Viper 1

Real Name: Simon Biloxi

Simon was looking down at his empire. All of his soldiers were currently training in the sparring arena. He had the smartest men and women in the world extremely close to hacking into the Pentagon. He had the doctors and scientists working on cures for the world's most horrific diseases. When the cures are put up for sale they are extremely overpriced, but the organization profited greatly from it. As he looked down at the organization from his office, he swelled up with pride. He built this. When he and his wife started off, they had nothing. They were nothing but beggars in the street, never knowing where their next meal was coming from. Now they were billionaires with thousands of people who worked for them and respected them. In a few years Simon would have enough power to control all of the United States. Eventually, he'd have enough power to control the entire world. He was ecstatic; everything was finally coming together. For years he had struggled. He was abused in foster homes, harassed basically every year he attended school, and put out on the street when no one adopted him. He felt like nothing until he found his wife, Alicia. She'd given up everything to be with him. Her family was extremely wealthy, her family owned one of the biggest and most successful law firms in the country. When she turned 21 she was going to inherit $10 million. But everything changed the night they met.

February 27, 1995

The weatherman had announced that today had been the coldest day in 15 years. Simon was sitting on a crate and holding a red cup out for spare change. He was shivering, the torn up coat that he stole from someone's trash can didn't help either. He was looking down as people dropped coins into his cup. Some people tossed coins at his feet, they would laugh as he picked them up. Seeing how desperate he was somehow amused them. He usually never made eye contact, until someone dropped a fifty in the cup. He looked up to see a beautiful woman smiling at him. She shrugged her huge fur coat off of her dainty body and held it out to him.

"Here, you need this more than I do." He looked at her in awe.

"I- thank you." She smiled and walked away. This went on for about eight months. She stopped by everyday and put fifty dollars in that cup. She'd smile and talk to him everyday until her father would pick her up. As it turned out, she was attending the university across the street. It was now late October. Everyone was running around getting last minute Halloween costumes and candy. Unfortunately, it was raining, hard. Simon was sitting under an awning but it had so many holes in it that he might as well have been standing in the middle of the street. All of a sudden a red Ferrari F355 pulled up next to him. A driver got out of the car and opened the backseat door. Alicia smiled and waved him over. He quickly made his way over.

"Hop in," she said, blushing. He looked at her in shock.

"I don't think that's a good id-"

"It's cold and it's raining."


"Just get in the car, Simon."

He sighed and entered the car. They sped off and ended up in Beverly Hills. He looked out the window in pure shock. He didn't think anyone could possibly have that much money. They stopped in front of huge golden gates. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Don't worry, my parents aren't home," Alicia said and smirked at him. The gates opened up and they stopped at the front door of the huge house. Alicia opened the door and led Simon into a huge foyer. A man in a butler's uniform walked up to them. He looked Simon up and down with a frown.

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