Rise of The Phoenix

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Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Code Name: The Rogue

Real Name: Melissa Martin

Melissa sat down on the couch in her loft. She was contemplating all the events that took place this afternoon. Just hearing the sound of Marcus' voice brought back memories she didn't want to relive. Viper had destroyed her. But it had also created her. It was the downside of being there for so long. Viper molds you into the soldier they want you to become. You were never allowed to be who you wanted and you could never ask questions. It was one of their three sacred rules. You weren't a person to them, you were just a weapon. This worked out for them because everyone was always unquestionably loyal. Viper was all you had and all you could ever have. The second you found someone you thought you could trust or even love outside of the organization, they were taken away from you. Melissa knew that from personal experience. She was one of the only people in history to make it out of Viper alive. She made it her life goal to destroy it the day she escaped. Especially the man who created it, Viper 1. Viper 1 was a man that was hard to get to. He was protected and praised by everyone who worked for him. Many people had never even seen his face, but Melissa had. His piercing blue eyes were burned into her memory. The way he talked to her and treated her were just painful memories alone, when the organization deemed her untrustworthy, she was beaten and tormented nonstop. The task she had placed upon herself was hard, she knew she couldn't do it alone. She needed to form a team, and she knew just where to start.


Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Code Name: Unknown

Real Name: Averey Carrasquillo

Melissa found Averey when she was leaving her shift at the diner she worked at. She smirked as she followed her down the street. To most people, Averey was an ordinary Harvard Student that looked like she was walking home from a late night of studying. But Melissa knew she was much more and was determined to prove it. It was about 1 a.m. and there were very few people roaming the streets. Averey had just turned a corner that led to a dark alleyway to reach the back of Harvard's campus. As soon as they were far enough so that no one could see or hear them, Melissa grabbed Averey and threw her against the wall. Melissa wrapped her hand around Averey's throat as she struggled trying to kick Melissa in the stomach but only managed to kick her in the shin. The pain caused Melissa to loosen the grip she had on Avery's throat. Without hesitation Averey threw her left arm between them and elbowed Melissa in the face. Melissa stumbled backwards and grabbed her bloody nose. Averey threw a round-kick that connected with Melissa's jaw and knocked her to the ground. Before Avery could finish her off Melissa held her hand up.

"Averey stop!" Melissa screamed.  Avery froze and backed away from her.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?!" Melissa staggered as she stood up. It had been a while since she had been beaten like that. A small amount of her pride and ego had been taken away from her.

"My name is Melissa."

"Well what do you want from me?" Averey asked angrily.

"I need your help." Melissa said. That just made Averey even more frustrated.

"Oh really? Is that why you felt the need to attack me this late at night? All because you, a complete stranger needed my help? Are you kidding me?!"

"That was just to teach you a lesson. What person in their right mind would walk into a dark alley by themselves at 1 a.m.?" Melissa said.

Averey snorted at her, "You wanted to teach me a lesson? Last I checked you were the one who just got their ass kicked a few seconds ago." Melissa snarled at her but didn't say anything. She knew she needed to play nice with Averey if she wanted Averey to join her.

Viper Series: The Rogue's Revenge (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now