The Deal

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Three weeks. Exactly twenty one days. 

 Rikkard Ambrose had tried everything to get an answer out of Ella Linton as to where his Lillian was...but nothing. The otherwise naive and innocent girl didn't reveal a thing more about where Lilly was. He had gone through every weapon in his vast arsenal; persuasion, coercion, bribery, threatening, and even begging. Still, nothing was revealed. 

But hopefully today would change everything. 

Last night, while hiding in the bushes to gain more information on Lilly and her family, he had stumbled on a nauseatingly romantic moment between the younger Linton sibling and her secret lover; some Piano Tuner's son. Naturally the vulture-like aunt would not permit a man of such average standing to court her youngest Niece...and that was where his ingenuity came into play. 

You see, Rikkard Ambrose was about to do something he absolutely hated himself for; offering a high paying job to an obviously underqualified candidate. How far he had fallen! From ruthlessly  picking his employees to giving away jobs to the poor and needy like he was some patron Saint of some sort. All this to find the simple whereabouts of the woman he lo-employed.

Before you ask, yes- he had naturally done a cost benefit analysis regarding the whole endeavor. As it had during the fateful trip back on the Urania, other factors had entered the equation somehow, but irrefutably tipping the scales in favor of getting Lilly back at practically any cost. 


As he had for the past few weeks, he knocked on the door and was greeted by the predatory and parasitical aunt who seemed to want nothing more than to suck all the money out of his coffers; by selling him one of her many eligible nieces. The lady was not even concerned about her eldest niece's disappearance anymore! She seemed to have decided that since the suitor who was interested was now open to the rest of her nieces, it didn't matter who exactly 'caught' long as it was someone from the family of course. 

Bah, she actually used the term caught! As if he were some prize fish to be caught in the river. How utterly repulsive. Almost as bad as the aunt were those two twins...always simpering and smiling coquettishly at if he would lower himself to pursue someone as air headed as them. 

Thank you very much, but he only had one woman in his heart. And she was strong willed, brave, and much more intelligent and crafty than all the women that frequented superficial and useless social events such as balls. 

This day had continued like any other, as he followed the aunt upstairs to the younger Miss Linton's room and was greeted by the scathing glare from the girl. 

He supposed Ella Linton was conventionally attractive, with bright blond hair, piercing blue eyes and a dainty figure that confirmed to all the current trends and beauty standards. But he...preferred something more natural and wild...someone with tanned and luminous skin, unruly brown hair, and melting chocolate pools for eyes for example...but either way, this girl already had a interesting fact he was ready to take advantage of today. 

"Miss Linton. Are you ready to tell me where your sister is?"

"As always Mr Ambrose, my answer is no. And nothing you can say will change my mind. You hurt my sister-"

Ah how that sent a pang through his heart every time he heard it. They say that time heals all wounds, but the pain upon hearing about his past misdeeds regarding Lillian Linton had not lessened in time- at all. 

"-and I will protect her location till my last breath."

"I interesting proposal to make Miss Linton. A proposal regarding your...secret lover-"

Ella Linton gasped and two shockingly bright pink splotches appeared on her pale cheeks. 

"Wh-wha secret lover? Me? A secret lover? S-such lies Mr Ambrose. Hehe why would I have a secret lover?"

Did this girl really think she was fooling him? He, who had interrogated hundreds of hardened criminal masterminds and business rivals, would not be fooled by some innocent young British gentry girl who thought she could outwit The Rikkard Ambrose. 

"The one you met in the garden at precisely 10:35 PM last night Miss Linton. And don't tell me he was a friend. As far as I know, friends do not attack each other's lips in that manner."

"E-Edmund? Please don't h-hurt him Mr Ambrose. I love him! He's my own ray of sunshine on this earth."

Ray of sunshine hmm? Normally he would find this kind of display of emotions revolting, but strangely, he could empathize with the girl. His own ray of sunshine however had gone missing...left him alone in his now dark and lonely world. 

"Here is my offer Miss Linton. I will give your Edward an employment opportunity in my company and a high paying job and therefore credentials to make him a viable suitor in your aunt's eyes...all in exchange for your sister's location. That is all I ask Miss Linton; one word in where she is, and I will leave you alone to spend time with your soon to be husband. I swear this on my honor as a gentleman."

"I-I need some time to think Mr Ambrose...this is a big deal...and you are serious about this all? You would truly give my Edmund enough money to appease Aunt Brank?"

"Dead serious Miss Linton. Of course...please take your time; I will generously give you exactly five minutes and 31.5 seconds to think this devious through. I do not take this lightly...I will find my Lilly one way or the other; I advise you to take the course of action most advantageous to you."

With a curt nod and a piercing look, he stepped out of the room to give the younger Linton sibling five minutes and 31.5 seconds to think. He lightly stretched his long limbs and a hint of a smile made it's way on his granite face; his efforts were finally coming to fruition...and he would soon be reunited with his fiery ifrit. 

He really did miss her distinctive passion and the zest she added to his otherwise cold and miserable life. He knew now that what he had considered a fulfilling life in the years prior to his meeting Lillian Linton, were in fact all pure farce. Going through mechanical motions in the name of making more money was not what an actual meaningful life was about. Yes, money was important to lead a comfortable life, but true happiness came from having someone to enjoy the journey with...and his person had left him alone to take the journey by himself. 

He was drawn out of his sober musings by the creak of the old door and Ella Linton's soft and musical voice. 

"Mr Ambrose? I've made my decision."

Authors Note: Yay another chapter!!! What do you think Ella will say? Will she accept his deal and effectively betray Lilly? But his offer is awfully tempting don't ya think?

And damn...Mr Ambrose is a stalker...creeping on the Linton family in the middle of the night? Stalker alert!😒

Whooho we went from 7.1K to 8.7K reads in one day! Thank you all for your support! 

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