Chapter Two - Hurt

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Lucy's POV
I watched from afar at Lisanna hugging Natsu. A tear rolled down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away, running to the bathroom and locking myself in a stall. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I tried to cry, but there were only tears. Without thinking, I pulled out a knife, lifted my sleeve and... cut. I dropped the knife immediately at what I just did. I heard the door open, and swiftly yanked down my sleeve, wiped my tears and walked out of the stall with a blank expression. The bloody knife was hidden in my pocket safely, as I walked out of the bathroom, listening as I heard the girls whispering gray insults behind my back. I just breathed deeply, letting myself calm. Fairy Tail High.... I would transfer but what is the point? I'd be bullied anywhere. I snuck into the nurse's office, to find it empty. Good. I dashed to the cabinet, grabbing the rubbing alcohol, gauze, and a bandage. I poured the alcohol on the wound, stinging it. I opened my mouth to scream once again, forgetting that I couldn't. The door handle was turning. Good thing there was a closet. I hid, continuing healing my wound. Placing the gauze, I wrapped the bandage and peered through the crack of the door. To see Natsu. I gasped, and clasped my hand over my mouth.
"Huh. Guess I didn't hear something after all." He murmured to himself, walking out the door. I exhaled in relief, crawling out of the closet. I poked at my arm, and a wave of excruciating pain went through me. Mental note: DO NOT POKE IT. I carefully opened the door, looking out. Nobody. I tugged my sleeve, and slipped out of the room and into the empty halls, walk g to my locker. When I opened it, dozens of notes fell out. They all radiated gray. I made the stupid decision of reading them, hoping to find a positive one. Sadly, I was mistaken.
Go die.
We all hate you.
Just leave!
No one cares if you are here or not!
Die bitch.
We shouldn't allow 'mutes' in the school.
Just kill yourself!
I only wanted to be your friend, but these other notes are right. You should leave.
My eyes widened at the last one. He clearly wanted me to die too. I only wanted to be your friend. It said. Natsu. I gathered the letters, came to my senses, and threw them all away. But I kept his as a reminder. I don't deserve friends. I don't deserve the kindness he showed.

*the notes continued, and Lucy continued to ignore them. For months and months. It was nearly Winter break, and Natsu was walking along with Lisanna happily when...*

Natsu's POV
"Hey Lisanna, did you hear that?" I asked my girlfriend. That loud crash... what was that.
"Yeah, do you think we should investigate?" She looked concerned. I nod, and we rush to the noise. It was in the girls' bathroom. Lisanna motioned me to stay, until I heard her gasp. Right away, I came in, and shocked at what I saw. Lucy, the girl we all gave hate notes to, was lying on the floor with a blood stained knife in her hand, which was limp. Like the rest of her body. I fell next to her, my hand was covered in blood.
"Lisanna, go get help!" I ordered urgently. She just stood there. "Lisanna!" She snapped into laughing, and my eyes widened at her. Why is she laughing?,
"Hahaha, finally! She got the message! She deserved to die." She spat, and I glared at her.
"Lisanna we are done."
"What do you mean?"
"I am breaking up with you, you bitch." I told her, leaving her frozen in the bathroom while I carried Lucy bridal style, calling out for help. A teacher saw us, and called 911. She asked me why I thought Lucy would hurt herself, and I told her the truth.
"I am sad and disappointed to say, that my ex girlfriend, her friends, and ,out sadly me were leaving her hate notes. Tons of them. Although... I never meant a single word, I swear! Lisanna was the one who would write them, I never expected that she would actually give them to Lucy!" I cried, looking at Lucy, as she was dying.
The ambulance strapped her into a gurney, and I was forced to go of the ride with them. I watched in horror as they worked, desperately trying to save her. I didn't notice, but my eyes were gushing out tears. When we got to the hospital, I was asked to wait outside. So I did, but I watched them operate on her through the window. People from our school were flooding in, and security was holding them back. They were confused. They wondered why they were brought here. So I explained to them. That it was all our fault. That we were responsible for Lucy.... stabbing herself in the gut. They all stared at me terrified to speak. I stormed off, while glancing at Lisanna's smirk. She wanted this.

*time-skip, 4 hours*

It had been four hours. All of the school but me had left. Her parents didn't even come. I knew she had some, they would pick her up after school, all the while glaring at their silent daughter. Then the doctor came, and brought me into Lucy's room. I walked over to her deathly pale body, and grabbed her hand. It was so cold, but she was alive.
"Sir, what is your name? What is your relation to Miss Lucy?"
"My name is Natsu, I am the one who found her. I guess you could say we are friends. She never spoke though, I guess she was too shy to--"
"Natsu, she's mute. As in, she actually can't speak." The doctor informed me blankly. I let that process in my head, before I stared at Lucy. She didn't answer me... because she couldn't... I curse myself.
"I can't believe how stupid I was."
"I suggest you leave, you still have school tomorrow Mr. Natsu. I should tell you, she might not have wanted the school to know about this. So... you should keep her secret. But, it is your decision." The doctor told me, he was frowning, glancing at Lucy's condition.
"Okay... but..." I exited before I finished the sentence. How can I keep this I secret?! Wait... it is my fault. When I looked in her coat pocket earlier, it was filled with some of the hate notes. All of which were from me. This is my fault. I will keep her secret as long as I can. Dammit, this is going to drive me insane.

*it has been two months and Lucy is in a coma. Natsu has kept her secret.*

Hey! This chapter is over, I hope you enjoyed and sorry if I made it a little dark. Stay tuned, I am going to keep writing this story, so I am about to write chapter 3!!!! Again, sorry if this is short, and this may be a short book. But I was thinking of making it apart of a series of NaLu books, i think I would enjoy writing them. They are my OTP after all. But thx for reading, see ya!

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