I never want to see karen again

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Our lips roughly press together. No this can't be happening. Why aren't I pulling away? She has a really tight grip on me but I could still try to get her off. Am I actually enjoying this? It doesn't feel right. It's forced and with no love in it. Just a desperate cry for attention. I hear a loud gasp from beside us. I look over with a slight plea in my face. I'm meet with some of the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Cassie.

"What the hell!" Cassie just gasps while Karen is still trying to stick her tongue down my throat. Cassie quickly tries to pry us apart but before she can Karen disconnects from me and starts screaming at her.

"Go away loser! This is none of you business! Everyone hates you!" Before she can connect our lips again I push her off and grab Cassie by the hand and run off. Before I realize it were a couple of blocks away from the school. As we try to catch our breath I thank her between breaths.

"I can't believe it this is so weird. I'm gonna lose my mind" I breath out still trying to connect all the pieces.

"You're lucky I got asked to throw away the trash" Cassie is taking deeper breaths than me. She wasn't ready to run. We hear footsteps behind us and decide to run and loop back into the school. Karen is no where be seen, thank god. But I'm kind of scared of seeing her. She was surprisingly strong. Cassie is really tired and asked if I can carry her.

"Cassie you're a grown woman" I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm really tired! I just saved you!"

She was laying in the grass breathing deeply.

"Fine but only because you helped me" I pulled her over my back and grabbed her by the thighs as she wrapped her arms around me. There was a light breeze so her warmth was nice. She was light and made cute little noises in my ear as I carried her. It was calming and it felt lovely. I wanted to do this forever. How can I go from hating the touch of another human being to wanted to be holding another forever? It just felt so perfect for that walk to the school.

"Hey Najah, we should do this more often" her voice finally had breath back into it.

"What run away?" I asked and giggled under her weight.

"No just walking. You don't have to carry me just walk together." Oh my gosh she is so adorable. Is it weird I'm calling her cute?

We get to the school and she jumps off my back. We slowly walk up the stairwell and are immediately we're attacked by questions.

"Where were you? The teacher is flipping out." A girl screams at us. Suddenly the bell rang freeing us from our after school activities.

"So what the hell happened?" Cassie asked as we threw our bags over our shoulders.

"Can I tell you tomorrow at lunch?"

I sigh as we walk out the door.


Sorry I only write in short bits. I suck at writing. Thanks Cassie for helping me come up with the Karen kiss.

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