10. A Bit Of Respect

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My sweet slumber was cut short when a shove to my shoulder broke me from me dreams. My eyes snapped open and I jerked back at the sudden contact, blinking to adjust my eyes to the light in the room. "Emilia, wake up." John hovered over me while I was flopped across the sofa.

"Time for what?" I asked, my voice slightly strained from being asleep. My body refused to let me move. 

"To go back to the museum." he said, then stepped back from me so I could sit up. I rubbed my temples and hauled myself to my feet, noticing how the sunlight no longer trickled through the window. It had long since been replaced by moonlight. Great, another night with no sleep to come.

"Come on. We haven't got any time to waste. Soo Lin Yao may already be there." Sherlock spoke up, tugging on his large black coat. He wore it as usual, collar turned up and scarf tied neatly around his neck. I hadn't noticed he had been standing beside the door waiting. I cleared my throat and John tossed me my winter coat which I pulled over my shoulders quickly, brushing out the wrinkles in my outfit. And just like that, we were out the door without a word said.

The cold evening air gave me a sudden rush of energy and goosepimples rose all across my exposed legs. The traffic was fairly light down Baker Street, and there were very few people bustling about. We, of course, didn't mind one bit. When a cab turned down the corner, Sherlock was quick to throw out his arm and bring it to a stop in front of the curb we were on. One by one we filed inside, John to my right and Sherlock on my left. Sherlock gave the cabbie our destination and the car fell silent as it rolled forward.

"Once we get there, stay quiet and stay out of sight until I say otherwise." Sherlock ordered. John and I nodded in understanding. The entire cab ride felt like long hours, and I was wringing my hands with nerves. This was our chance to save a human life. John and I had done it before in our line of work, but this was something different. This was a case for Sherlock Holmes. Eventually, however, we pulled to a stop outside the museum and payed the cabbie before making our way to the double doors.

John and I stood side by side as Sherlock took the lead, silently unlocking the doors and taking care not to let them squeak as he pushed them open for us to enter. Taking light steps on our toes, Sherlock gently shut the door behind us. Silence was our friend as we trailed through various rooms and corridors until we found the one she was hiding in.

Long black hair flowed neatly down her back and her face remained in a peaceful state as she swirled tea in a pot, like the ones in the glass case we had seen earlier in that day. She was a very young woman, and her movements were gentle and purposeful. Sherlock gave John and I a glance to let us know we needed to stay put, and we did. Soo Lin Yao was too focused on her work as she poured tea over the teacups, Sherlock slowly gliding over the floor to close the space between them like a ghost. He stopped just behind her left shoulder and peered down at her work. From where John and I were hunkered down, we couldnt see just how flawless her efforts were.

"Fancy a biscuit with that?" Sherlock suddenly asked. Soo Lin Yao's eyes expanded alarmingly fast and she jolted in her seat, the teapot in her hands slipping from her grasp so it tumbled toward the floor. My breathing hitched in my throat and I waited for the shattering impact, but Sherlock reacted too quickly. With both hands he managed to catch the pot and glance over his nose toward the still terrified looking girl. "Centuries old... Dont break that." Sherlock warned in a deep, grumbling voice that sent chills running up and down my spine. Why? I had no clue.

"W-who are you?" the womans voice trembled out and her almond eyes became rimmed with fearful tears.

Sherlock stood up straight and smirked down at her. "My name is Sherlock Holmes. I have some... Friends... With me." he spoke, glancing in the direction of John and I and waving us over. Slowly, so as not to startle the poor girl further, we came out of hiding and approached her. She blinked up at the three of us from her seat at the illuminated table and swallowed. "This is John Watson and his sister Emilia." Sherlock introduced.

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