I Might Leave??

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Honestly I don't find a reason being on this website/app. Everything's gotten... boring and it's not because of school. So therefore I may leave for a few reasons (but I'm not going to list all):

1. Wattpad takes way to make storage for all I'm doing here

2. I've noticed some internet friends and I started to slowly break our friendship

3. No one seems to care about the books I wrote and the activities I try and do (I was planning to make a story of Hamilton but my virtual friends are the cast)

4. The lack of communication I have with people

5. I seem to be busier every day and Wattpad is something that I feel would help me if I delete it

There you go, my reasons. Now, I'm not sure if I'm leaving but I do know that I will still post chapters of my stories because promises are promises.

So... I'll leave probably Sunday. Bye!

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