Valentine's Day!

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Nicholas: Hey Arianna! Just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day, love *kisses her cheek* And here, have a box of chocolates I [tried] to make. If it's that bad, I can make it up by taking you out wherever you want!
Lucio: You're a great friend, Xavier, and I'm glad to be with you. Have a bouquet of roses I freshly picked out from my garden. U-Uh... Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentina: D-Don't get the wrong idea, Fèlix! *gives a heart full of chocolates*  You're awesome the way you are and one of a kind. Don't you dare change yourself for something stupid, alright?
Archer: I'm so happy to see you again Ethan. *sighs* I know you have a dark past with relationships, but we can change that, so smile. You're perfect just the way you are, and you shouldn't feel sad about what he did to you. Now why don't you laugh your beautiful laugh?
Jin: Eiji... I never thought I'd say this but you've captured my heart from the day we met. Here, I got some roses and a teddy bear. If there's something else you want, then just tell me; I don't mind wasting my wealth on you. *kisses cheek* Don't tell Elizabeth or Juliana about any of this...
Ayl: *laying down in bed eating chocolates* What's Valentines Day? I think they meant stuff your face with chocolate day.

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