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I'm beginning to get even more worried as noon turned to evening and Arkin was still not here. I was pacing around the barn like structure we were in. There was others in here with me. There were young ones but most were teenagers. Some were wounded others in tears and others who just sat and stared at the ground or walls. There was a small dull light that hung in the center and some candles on either end of the barn.

There was at least 13 of us here and one of the boys kept glaring at me as I paced in front of the large door. As the sun began to set I became even more fearsome.

"Would you stop your scarring my daughter." A voice said behind me as I turned. I jumped and glared at the boy who was glaring at me earlier.

"Would you mind your own business. I've got a mate out there who very well could be dying. There is no way I'm gonna just sit here and wait for him. We've been though to much for me to not show how worried I am." I hissed and he nodded.

"I get it I lost my mom before I was sent here and you pacing the room is just making the rest of us anxious." He said and I scoffed.

"Fuck off and go somewhere else then. I almost got raped and almost died trying to get here so don't tell me what to do." I said through clenched teeth. Then walked away and went outside. I walked down a trail that lead into the barn some then sat down on a barrel. The sun was now almost completely gone and after a while the clouds began to thunder. It was already cold enough out but now it was going to add to it with rain. I sighed and got up. I walked back to the barn door as ran started to fall as I made it in. Then it began to down pour.

Rain blew in threw the door and people behind me moved towards the back. I stayed there though. "My mate is out there alone. He lost his mother the night Seakers came to kill him. He is alone out there and there is nothing i can do about it." The boy's voice said. I jumped slightly. Why would he tell me that? But at the same time i felt bad.

"I'm sorry." i said and he nodded while looking out into the distance. "Then how are you so calm? Why aren't you pacing around and freaking out?" i said not looking at him.

"Because i have a daughter to take care of. If i did what you are doing then she would be even more scared." He said and i nodded.

"Your awfully young to have a daughter. If i remember correctly you said your mate was a boy? Im not trying to be nosy i just happened to notice." I said and i saw his jaw tense slightly. After a while he spoke.

"Before I met my mate Zeke I was raped by a women and she got pregnant. She was a addict and eventually overdosed. The police called me and explained to me about the women having a baby and me being the father I couldn't let her go without a mother. But before that Zeke an I found one another and he helped me a lot more than he will ever understand because if he hadn't I would have killed myself. I wouldn't be here for her. Now them two are my world and all I ever want but Zeke isn't here. I might not show it but I'm slowly feeling like he didn't make it." His voice broke at the end but he didn't brake down. "I say if they don't show up in about two hours we go looking for them. Together even if we find my mate first then we will still look for yours same goes for me if we find yours first." He said looking at me for the first time. He was actually pretty good looking.

He had hazel eyes with slightly red colored hair but it wasn't strong. His body also mimicked a build of Levy's expect more elongated arms and he was taller. He also had less muscle like he was a runner. I smiled at him and nodded. "You have a deal....." I stopped and extend my hand for a name and shake.

"Travis. You?" He said while taking my hand.

"Elia." I said and he nodded looking back to the trees as darkness enveloped the sky and night took over. " I just pray we find them."

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