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"You know us girls dont enjoy sitting around all day. Why do you?" Lolo asked as she sat down on my bed. "I knew it, you've got a mother freaken mate dont you." She said slapping my stomach. I yelped in surprise.
She was right of course.
"Shush. I dont want the others to know." I said and she smiled widely.
"Is he cute? Like I dont mean cute because your his mate cute, I mean cute cause he's just straight up cute?" She whispered.
"Are you kiding me Lolo?" I hissed.
"No I'm not seriously I want to know." She said and I smirked.
"Can I see a picture of him?" She asked. Lolo was a mind reader but only when physical contact is possible. So I sat up crossing my knees. I held my hands out to her and she smiled. Her hands laid in mine and I thought about Arkin. His beautiful face filtered through my mind. I closed my eyes.
When I opened them she pulled away. "He's gorgeous." She exclaimed. I smiled and she spoke. "What else I know he gets better than that." She said and I rolled my eyes.
"Your disgusting." I said and she gasped.
"No, I'm disappointed that you won't share that with me. I'm not talking about his parts I'm talking like shirtless." She said and I scoffed.  I grabbed her hands and thought about when I saw Arkin in the yard. His perfect sculpted body with all his tattoos and his wings...
I yanked away from her. She jumped. "I..uh...I'm sorry I shouldn't have shared that with you." I said but she still sat there speachless.
"He's a.. a.. what?" She said grabbing my shoulders. "Do you know what that means Elia?" She said. I shook my head confused. She got up and shut the door.
She came back over to me. "You do realize that once you mate with him, he mates with you for life and he will get markings on them?" She asked and I nodded.
"So what, thats what we want." I said and she smiled.
"The best part about it though is that once you mate he will be able to fly with you." She said and I looked at her confused.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I mean that he's only ever been able to glide about ten to fifteen feet he cant actualy fly. Not till he mates. In Avian tradition if both were Avian then they would jump off a high place while mating and they would fly together. But your a healer so your basically human which means that he probably wont make you mate with him while he flys." She said and I just starred at her. "Is he in here too?"  She asked and I nodded.
"I haven't seen him in 2 and a half weeks. I miss him alot." I said and she laughed.
"Ladies out of your rooms NOW!" I heard officer Jay yell. We all left our rooms and lined up along the wall. Jay had already told me that he was getting me and Arkin out but didnt know when.
"So ladies listen up You and three other Cell Blocks will be merged together. Some of you have relationships with those being merged.  Do not and I repeat do not physically touch that person in anyway around the top dog. Rick will be with you all. He is top dog you do not mess with him. He also does not tolerate the panic button so if you press it expect to be in danger.If Rick sees you touch someone he will harm you. We have no choice in doing this so dont argue. In five minutes have your things gathered." He said and Lolo smirked at me.


We sat on the couches as we watched a group of boys enter. They approached us and all sat down except one who spoke.
"Ladies welcome." He said and we all laughed.
"Are you sure it's not the other way around?" I said and the girls laughed again. The guy who spoke looked at me. Slight annoyance in his eyes. He walked up to me and grabbed my chin. He titled my head up and spoke.
"Did anyone tell you who i am?" He asked. I didnt answer. "The names Rick." He said pulling away from me and a knot formed in my throat. Then the next group walked in and I forced myself not to jump. Arkin walked in. His hair damp like he'd just taken a shower. He was wearing a t-shirt so you could see his tattoos.
Rick welcomed them but Arkin just sat back.  We would glance at each other but only glance. After a while we all split off on our own.
Me and Lolo went over to the back wall and stood while we spoke. "You know Rick's made small talk with everyone except..." She stopped and raised her eyebrows up and down. I slapped her shoulder and she laughed. "If I didnt know any better I'd say Arkin could one up Rick." She said and I smiled and chuckled.
"Is that so?" Rick's voice said next to me and I flinched.
He grabbed my waist and pressed my back against the wall. Fear pooled inside me and I instantly pictured the Edmond.  "Your pretty you know that?" He said grinding against me. I tried to push away from him but he only slammed me against the wall and kissed my neck.
"Get off her Rick." Lolo said and he looked at her.
"Or what? You gonna stop me?" He said and she stuttered. He grabbed my boob and I shoved at him.
"I will." Arkin's voice said and Rick stopped. That got everyones attention.
"You are?" Rick said pulling away from me some but still holding my shoulder to the wall.
Arkin stepped closer. "The one who told you to stop." He said.
"Rick he's the one with the Unidentifiable Energy." A boy said and a few approached.  "Ya buddy if I were you I would walk away now because your fucking with a pack of shifters and there is only one thing that can stop something like us and your not it so back off." He said.
I heard Lolo whisper. "A stronger pack or an Avian." They all looked at her and she flinched. Even Arkin did.
"Like I told you. Stop." Arkin said but that pissed Rick off.  He eyes glew yellow and he kicked Arkin square in the chest. He flung backward barrel rolling and landing on one knee with his wings halfway out to catch himself. His tattoos lit up blue and he glarred at Rick. His eyes went blue as well. The shifters flinched when Arkin stood up.
Arkin walked towards us and Rick tensed but he stood his ground. I hadn't realized one of the boys had grabbed Lolo then Arkin stopped in front of us. The boy nodded at Arkin and let go of Lolo while walking away.
Rick gripped my shoulder tighter. "So what does she mean to you or the slut with her." He said and Arkin slammed him against the wall with his hand around his neck. His tattoos glowing brighter.
"Just because you think your the boss does not mean you can touch and talk about girls the way you want. Your not a leader your a dick with power issues." He said pressing a little harder but he didnt choke him. He was close to him and when he pulled his hand away he stayed there. I felt Arkin's hand grab my waist and fear hit me again as he starred Rick down. I knew it was Arkin but I stil picture Edmond. His tattoos went back to black and his eyes went back to there violet color.  He retracted his wings as well and raised his eyebrows at Rick. Rick sighed a little and leaned away from him some. Arkin pulled me to his side while turning. He put a hand on Lolo's shoulder blade and walked us away from them. When we got farther way he let us sit down. He kissed my forehead, turned and walked away.
I knew he wasnt aloud to touch me but it still made me feel bad. "I think im in love with your mate." Lolo said and I slapped her stomach.

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