The next day.

Phil woke up smiling because he saw his love next to him. April woke up two hours later to yelling she got up, got dressed, then walked to middle of the bus seeing Kofi and Phil playing WWE 2k14. "SEE YOU MADE US LOSE THE MATCH!" Phil yelled at Kofi. "Hey Kofi!" she said happily while making her way to Phil and sitting in his lap. "Hey April!" Kofi said back. "When did you get here?" she asked. "I came 30 minutes ago cause I got bored traveling with Randy and Mike." He said with his eyes staring at the TV. "Well now I finally have a challenge!" she said grabbing the controller from Phil and running to the other side of the bus so Phil wouldn't get it. "Ha ha very funny babe now hand it over." he said laughing. "Nope!" she said laughing. "Really!" he said laughing even harder before walking over to her and kissing her. April kissed back and loosened her grip on the controller. Phil grabbed it out of her hand then pulling away from the kiss "Thanks babe!" he said laughing and sitting down picking his superstar which was himself of course. "Really" she thought then went to Phil got in his lap and started kissing him again. Phil kissed back got up still holding and kissing April walked towards his bedroom, opened the door then put her on the bed still kissing her. Kofi knocked and said "Sorry for interrupting but can I have the other controller or at least disconnect it?" Phil sighed "Fine" he disconnected it then started kissing April's neck. "OW!!" she screamed. "Did I hurt you?" Phil asked worriedly. "No I'm fine." she said lying covering her neck with her long black hair. Phil brushed her hair back and saw a black and purple bruise on her neck "Who did this!"he yelled. "I-I I don't know."she said lying. Phil knew she was lying "Your lying who was it!" he yelled back. "I'm not telling you, you always lose your temper!" she yelled. "Dolph was it him!" he yelled back, then he saw April start to tear up. "I'm gonna kill him!" he said then saw how April was scared "I'm sorry for scaring you." he said regretting yelling at her. "Too bad." She said crying, then left to Kofi and cried in his shirt. "April wait!" he said then he kicked the wall and punched it "Now I'm gonna lose her again." he said crying.
April was crying in Kofi's shirt. "He started yelling at me and an-"she was cut off my Kofi. "He wasn't yelling at you he was just really angry that someone hit you because he loves you." He said comforting her. "But but bu-"she was cut off again by Kofi. "But nothing he loves you he looks after you he will do anything just to have you even if you don't love him back he loves you more than anything. Now go to him." He said sternly. April got up, opened the door, and saw Phil crying in his hands she was shocked because he never cried not even when Maria left him. Phil saw her "April!" he got up "listen I'm so sorr-" he was cut off by April. April heard him about to apologize then she kissed him. Phil kissed back then pulled away from the kiss "What was that for?" he asked. "I just love you so much!" She said then started kissing him again. Phil kissed back then stuck his tongue in her mouth. Her doing the same. He threw her on the bed then started kissing her again. This went on for many minutes then April took of Phil's shirt kissing all of his tattoos. Phil then took of her shirt and kissed all over her stomach. "Wait I-I'm not ready" she said. "Okay" he said as he got off her "I just wanna be your first promise." he said looking into her eyes. "Promise" she said back kissing him.
The next day.

April woke up and was excited because it was raw and she was going to have a match. "Phil! Phil! Phil!" she said excitedly. "What?" he said grumpily. "Today is Raw!" she said even happier. "Why are you happy?" he asked rudely. "Never mind then" she said sadly and got up. She went to the middle of the bus and saw Kofi laying on the couch playing on his phone "Hey!" she said nicely. "Hey! So I heard that someone has a match tonight and she will start a new storyline." he said. "Yeah I know I'm so excited!" she said happily "and I also heard that a guy who says 'BOOM!'all the time has a match to and starting a new storyline leading to him winning the Intercontinental
Championship." she said. "I know we are both lucky aren't we." he said. She sighed "I guess Phil wouldn't even listen to me earlier." she said sadly. "It's okay maybe he's just in a bad mood, usually he's up and ready by now." he said. "Let me go check on him" she said walking into Phil's bedroom. April saw Phil ready and dressed but he looked depressed "What's wrong?" she asked. "My storyline I'm gonna leave in a couple of weeks and not return for 4 months" he said sighing. "I'm sorry." April said sadly. "I heard that you had a new storyline and at the end you would win the Divas Championship" he said. "Yeah! I'm really happy." Phil smiled then kissed April on the cheek then they all walked out if the but and went to the arena to get ready for RAW.

They walked in with each other holding hands. "Do you want to come to my locker room or go to the Divas locker room?" he asked. April kissed him and said "Your locker room." They got ready for the show. "I'm leaving." Phil said. "What?" she said shocked "You're leaving me!" Phil laughed "No I was reading the script." he said then kissed her. "Oh" she said and kissed back. "AJ it's time to go cut your promo." one of the backstage guys said to April outside the door. "Okay!Bye Phil" she said and kissed him on the cheek. Phil was watching as April cut her promo and right as she was almost done a superstar came out Daniel Bryan and he started talking crap about April an how she was weak and lonely. April then slapped Daniel in the face then he kissed her and not just a peck on the lips a long kiss. "What the-" Phil said shocked. He walked out of his locker room and saw Kofi looking at one of the monitors. "Can you believe this!" Phil said angrily. "No I can't she never told me about a love storyline and how you talked she didn't tell you either."he said back. Phil went to the gorilla and waited for April. He looked up at the monitor and saw April and Daniel holding hands going up the ramp, he then just walked back to his locker room.
April was thinking while walking up the ramp with Daniel "I really enjoyed that kiss!" She finally reached backstage where she couldn't be caught on camera. "Do you want me to walk you to you locker room?" Daniel asked hoping she would say yes. "Sure!" she said nicely. They walked still holding hands they finally reached Phil's locker room. "Thanks!" she said to Daniel. "Welcome anytime." he said then kissed her on the cheek. She couldn't help but blush. Daniel saw that she blushed then he kissed her. She kissed back. Phil heard voices outside his door he got up and opened the door, what he saw was something he didn't want to see he saw April and Daniel making out.

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