Alexander x reader

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Alexander x reader

warnings: crying, drinking, karaoke, and poor writing

request: none

prompt: none

(b/f will mean best friend's name)

you were with your totally drunk friends at a bar because one of them were dumped the previous night. you being the designated driver decided to give up drinking for the night.
"OH MY GOD Y/N KARAOKE NOW!" screamed one of your friends holding a drink in their hand.
"I'll only do it if you promise to stop yelling and drinking!" you said looking for a compromise. they looked at you then back at the group and said,
"nah, I get you to do it, just you wait!" they said walking back over to the group. silently thinking God for not putting you through that embarrassment. you heard the little bell jingle at the door to the little bar.
"boys behold the best Irish pub in town!" one of the men bellowed. you smiled to yourself thinking of home.
"y/n you should totally hook up with one of the dudes!" one of the girls yelled out. "yeah you're still single as hell!" said another "and totally hot!" another screamed. you just shook your head no rapidly trying to focus on other important thoughts.
you knew the men who walked into the bar, they went to the same college as you, Kings College. but you only recognized Lafayette because he has most of the same courses as you, aside from women's choir and Latin 3.
"I think i'm good." you said smiling to yourself. you thought of your political science courses and thought of the assignment you had to complete. suddenly you found yourself on a small stage with a totally drunk friend next to you. 
"what are you doing b/f?!" you said whisper shouting at your friend.
"what does it look like! you're going to sing something." she said cheering. the only song that could come to mind was this is gospel by panic! at the disco.
you looked at the keyboard in front of you and started playing the first notes. gaining confidence through every chord.

Alexander's Pov
"who's the girl?" asked a slightly tipsy Laurens next to me. he was slightly smirking for some odd reason.
"not sure but I've seen her before." I said leaning toward him.
"boys, we have three classes with her!" explained an excited Frenchman.
"her name is y/n." he finished looking at me.
y/n a pretty name for a pretty girl.

back to the other Pov
the harder I played the more confidence surged through me. I got to the chorus and I felt like I was in a whole other world. and I played the final chords of the song I didn't want it to end.
I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I just blushed and ran off to the bathroom. once getting in a stall I just began to cry.
"did you hear me!" you yelled to the sky. "that was for you you fucker!" you said crying harder.
"y/n is everything alright?" you heard a friend's voice coming towards your stall. you just hummed in response not trying to show your shaky voice.
"you did so great." they said coming a little closer reaching your stall. you just whimpered in response. "y/n please talk to me." you heard them say in a hushed tone.
"i'm fine, I just need some air." you said letting out the shakiness with a sigh. someone walked into the bathroom and whispered to your drunk friend.
"there's someone who's requested to see you..." she said giggling.
"who" you said bluntly.
"one of the men that walked in earlier, he said he knows you." she said a little more serious. 
"nobody else is in the bathroom you can let him in here." you said vigorously wiping the tears in your eyes. footsteps walked out and you heard muffled talking.
a pair of feet walked over to your stall navy blue converse. names of people written on them.
"h-hi um y/n... I r-really liked your singing." he said stuttering over his words. tears slipped down your cheek. trying not to let out a sob you start to play with your long sleeve.
"thank you." you said keeping your voice quiet. you sigh out and a sob comes with it. it's harder than you've ever cried before. and the boy seemed to notice.
"did I offend you. I-i'm so sorry!" you hear him coming closer to the stall. you get up from your position and unlock the stall and fling yourself in his arms. he hugs you back hesitantly. petting your hair and putting his chin on your head.
"it's okay, everything's okay. i'm here. you're okay... no you're not okay. but you will be. you're beautiful. and confident, and nice, and well everything about you is perfect." he said soothing you as you wet his blues jacket with tears.
"I-i-i'm so-o sor-sorry." you said trying to lift your head up but he quickly stops you.
"it's okay, hated this jacket anyway. the real question is are you okay?" he asked looking at you with concern and bubblieness in his eyes.
"I'll be okay now that you're here." you said smiling into his chest.

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