Chapter 2: See My Colors

608 49 15

Edited April 8th



plural noun: hallucinations

1. an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.

The boy was staring back at the silver haired male and looks mortified. The black hair, blue thick framed glasses, deep brown irises. No...The eyes were off. Viktor may not have seen those eyes of the boy often but they seemed like they were different. A shell of a man.

The usual stoic and plain expression this boy has when entering and exiting the flower shop is no longer and Viktor couldn't help but wonder why he was in his apartment. The boy he knew was shy, awkward, and quiet. He'd never be bold enough to come in someone's house. And if he was, bringing a loud and yappy dog was an idiotic move.

The warmth of the dog seems to slip from his grasp and away. So did the wetness of my cheek from being licked by the mammal. As he looked down at his lap, the dog was at first translucent, and barely there like a fading hologram before it was no longer and as Viktor looked up at the terrified boy, he seemed to have began to slowly fade to nothing as well.

"Hey, wait..." Viktor called, standing up from the couch quickly and trying to reach out and somehow grab him but all he heard was a few words.

Stop following me.

The male was originally confused but he just sighed and shook it off. Following him? This was his house. He lived here. If anything, it was vice versa. However, now was not the time to dwell. It had been ages since Viktor slept so he decided to leave it be. Possibly just another hallucination of his. Right?

Just incase it was one, he decided to take an extra precaution to keep from this odd and terrifying experience happening again. He needed a full night's rest and there was no way he'd let another silly hallucination get in the way.

Walking into the bathroom, he picked up the bright orange pill bottle with a faded white label stuck to the plastic with cheap adhesive.

"It's because of you that I have to take these." He mumbled and looked over his shoulder at nothing to someone else but in front of Viktor's eyes stood a boy. Not the boy of course but another one. One that reminded him a lot of himself.

Average height, long silver hair, and this character that followed him was usually was nude but today a white cloth draped over his body and a blue flower crown amongst his head.

The image of this character didn't last very long after the pill slipped through Viktor's thin lips but he knew this male would be back. He never seemed to leave.

Now sleep could consume him. After a long day, of absolute nothing, Viktor was tired from pure exhaustion so he walked off to his room, his socked feet sinking into the fluffy carpet and he crawled into the queen sized bed, wrapping himself up in the feather filled quilts a relative knitted him as sleep overcame him.


The next morning seemed to be a repeat of yesterday's. Viktor woke up, raked his messy, yet silky hair back with his fingers into a slicked back look and put on the thick framed glasses. Once again, they weren't prescription, just for an added on attractiveness.  In his opinion of course but it's not like he had anyone to tell him otherwise. His ocean blue eyes were very tired, as if someone added on another ring of black everyday. It's not like he didn't sleep, he did. It just never seemed like it was enough.

After peeling back the covers, his bare legs -- other than a pair of shorts of course-- were now emitted into the cold air. No use in tossing in a log is he was going to be out of the house all day. At the flower shop of course. It was a daily thing. Even sundays. He owned the place himself after inheriting it from his mother and due to funds lacking, he made sure to keep it open as much as possibly to scrape up whatever money he could.

Heading into the bathroom, he looked at his reflection. Same old, same old. Looking behind him, he seen that character again. Well, a night of sleep without being bothered was good. A record. It usually was only three to four hours before these pills wore off.

"Good morning..." The character said, his voice being thick with a Russian accent just like Viktor's.

"Tch...Shut up.." Viktor grumbled and began to brush his perfect row of teeth. The only imperfection being a slight yellow stain on the canine. Another piece information was that Viktor was a smoker. Of cigarettes of course. It was only every once in awhile that the character gave him an urge to. Just released stress he supposed. However, he didn't get addicted, it was probably only once a month.

After brushing his teeth, he slipped in a pill and headed off to get dressed. The usual outfit of course. He pulled on a pair of white jeans, brown leather ankle boots, and the pastel floral sweatshirt he always wore

"God I'm so gay..." He mentally told himself. At least the boy was proud of it. What did you expect from a Russian guy who vlogs and owns a flower shop? Exactly.

Off to work he now was.


Viktor stood behind the counter, planning something strategically for when the boy came in.

"I'm gonna ask him where these go and I'm gonna expect a new outcome other than that silly quote. It's gonna work right?" He said aloud while placing a single lily into a small pink pot decorated with small little insects. Painted ones of course.

"Sure that's gonna work?" A voice from behind him asked.

Viktor sighed and rolled his eyes. "You shouldn't be here....I took my pill this morning..." He grumbled and turned to face the character. Today, he was adorned in something else. A black bedazzled suit that seemed to cling very tightly to his skin.

"Bummer. I am. What are you gonna do about it?" The character remarked in a sassy tone.

Viktor felt rage when him, swinging his fist and slamming it right through the wall. His knuckles clashes with the brick and managed to make no mark and they began to bleed. A lot.

"Look, your friend is here..." The character spoke once more before dissolving into nothing. Looking up, Viktor seen the boy. He didn't wear a stoic expression. His expression was sympathetic.

"Here...Let me help you..." The boy muttered, brushing the raven hairs from his eyes. That was probably the first time Viktor seen those lovely brown eyes.

"You shouldn't try to punch them... We all know your fist will just go through..." He murmured.

Viktor felt his heart stop in his chest.

The boy could see it?

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