Chapter 12

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"Mommy help." I turn and gaze into the chocolate eyes of my sons. Kion is holding his hand while tears gently cross his face. Kiaro sits next to his brother almost in tears at his twin's pain. I immediately go to their side before taking them both into my arms. I see check over Kion seeing a slight red mark on his skin.

"What happened baby?" I gently speak to him while rocking them both.

"It gave him boo boo." Kiaro answers for his twin. He points at the bottle of kid friendly paint Kion must have been trying to open.

"Aww. I'm sorry it gave you boo boo. But next time ask mommy for help." They both shake their head yes as I kiss where Kion has the small red mark on his brown skin. Softly humming, I run my hands through their wild yet sort curls. I give Kion the comfort to cry on the front of my shirt. Kiaro gently rubs his twin's back to help ease the pain.

"All better now?" I question once Kion stops his small whimpers. I'm immediately rewarded with a bright toothy smile before reviving a kiss in the lips from both twins. And just like that, it's like he was never hurt.

I love being the comfort my sons need when they are hurt. I will hold them while they cry for however long they need me too. I've never been the type of person to scold my sons for crying. I will never tell them "Boys don't cry". I believe that's bullshit and men and boys all should be able to cry when they hurt. I want my sons to know that crying doesn't make them weak or any less of a man.

I hear the front door open with the sound of the alarm following it. "Got everything I asked for?" I call out as the steps head into the living room where me and the boys are.

"Yes I got everything you had on the list. Even if I needed to ask the workers at the art store because I have no idea what some of this stuff was." Julio says as he puts down bags containing everything I asked for. I starter shifting through the bags and separate the supplies to my liking.

"Thanks Julio. Louis should be back any second with the errand I had him do." I try to hide the teasing smirk as I watch the head of my personal security slightly stiffen at hearing the man's name.

"Speaking of Louis, how was the date you two went on last week?" I don't even bother hiding my wife smile as the tall and bulky man in front of me avoids my probing.

After weeks of persuading and some small threats, Julio finally took the jump and asked Louis out. Louis gladly accepted with a smile at the promise of spending time with the mysterious man named Julio. And let me tell you, I was glad to help him plan the date since according to Julio "I haven't been on a date since before I realized I was gay." Their first date was a simple drive in movie theater with a semi casual dinner afterwards. And I don't know what happened after that because Julio refuses to give me details.

"Mmmm...huh? Mmmm JADEN YOUR SISTER WANTS YOU!" Julio fumbles over his words before yelling out towards my baby brother. Rushed footsteps come down the stairs and a wide eyed Jaden stands before me.

"Are you hurt? Are the boys okay?" He rushes out his words before checking over me and the twins. They of course love the attention from their favorite Uncle. Once he knows everything is okay he gives Julio a glare.

"Why did you yell like something he was wrong? You scared the hell outta me!" Jaden takes a few deep breaths to calm heartbeat.

"Mmm you see...what happened was...." Julio trails off avoiding each topic at hand making Jaden immediately break into a smirk.

"Just tell the woman the details of the date already. She will keep bugging you until you give in." Jaden falls into the couch with a large smirk. The door opening gives Julio the break he needed.

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