Chapter 11

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"No Mommy." Kiaro says with his arms crossed over his chest. I look at the adorable defiant face on my son and can't help but smile. For the last 30 minutes I have been trying to convince Kiaro to keep his clothes on. Every time I dress him, he will wait until my back is turned and get naked. Kion being the supportive brother he is, also gets naked and refuses to put on clothes like his brother.

I love my sons and adore that they are twins, but it's moments like this that makes me wish it was two of me to deal with them.

"Baby you can't be naked so be a big boy and put on clothes." I try to coax him with a smile and kiss on the forehead. His chocolate orbs hold defiance. Kiaro shakes his head no, which Kion gladly joins in with a smile. I roll my eyes and look at the ceiling. Did my parents ever have to deal with this? Hell I knew Jamal was bad so they probably did.

"How about we compromise?" Yeap this is exactly what being a mother means, choosing the right time to compromise or discipline. See I refuse to discipline them for wanting to be naked. Hell I'm the same exact way. I hate clothes and rather walk around naked in my own home. But I have children and can't do that. What I can do is only wear big jackets or shirts and be naked underneath.

"Mmm" Kiaro and Kion hum letting me know I have the floor to compromise. So smart even if it bites me in the ass sometimes.

"If you wear clothes today, night you can walk around in your undies and socks after your bath tonight." I say trying to get them to put on there clothes.

"Nah." They say after looking at each other.

"And y'all can spend the day in my office with me." I add. Kiaro leans closer to Kion and they whisper back and forth. I love their teamwork and it's funny knowing I'm negotiating with toddlers.

"And Hen and Waffies for Din din?" Kiaro asks with a raised eyebrow. He's giving me the "Take it or leave it mommy" look. While Kion sits with his hands folded together awaiting my decision.

"Yes and Chicken and Waffles for dinner but you have to let me braid your hair and we watch Mulan tonight." I throw in my own conditions. Once again they whisper to each other.

"Okay mommy. We dress." Kiaro says with a wide smile.

"Alright it's a deal. Kiss on it?" I didn't give them the chance answer before I attack my naked toddlers in kisses making them squeal from my attack before kissing me back.

I dress them in matching shorts and blue Rugrats shirts with black Nikes. After adding coconut oil to their curly locs, I decide to pack scrunchies in case they want their hair up later. I add a few toys to their back packs along with a change of clothes.

"Alright let's go." They follow me out of their room and I stand behind them as they hold on to the banister to walk down the steps. I grab their lunch packs from the fridge and my purse and keys off the counter.

Midnight and Coconut leave their doggy beds to see us off at the door. I open the door to be created by Julio.

"Good morning Sophia." He gives me a wide smile. "Morning Boys." He holds his hands out earning high fives from both boys as they tell him good morning.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Julio asks with a smirk. Purse? Keys? Phone? Boys? Clothes? Shoes? Nope I forgot my shoes.

"Oh hush Julio!" I say making him and they boys laugh at me. Looking to the left, I find my red flats by the door. Today I'm wearing a high waisted red tulle skirt that flares out, a gold button down shirt with the sleeves rolled to my elbows and my hair is down today. I look sexy yet professional.

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