Chapter 4

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Andre Harris POV

"He ain't shit! I tell him the baby needs 10 thousand a month so he can look fly and shit yet he refuses. It's not like he ain't got the money! He plays in the NBA." The red skinned woman says. She flips her long blond hair over her shoulder after her rant. Her lawyer sits next to her. The middle aged, balding White man begins to look uncomfortable as his client snaps.

"Ms. Bethany Sean, is it?" I politely ask. She gives me a nod and waves her left hand letting me know I can continue.

"My client Mr. Jones has no problem with taking care of his child...."

"Then tell his cheap ass to give me the ten thousand I'm asking for monthly." Ms. Sean or better known as Red Delight interrupts me.

"I was speaking Ms. Sean, and I do not like to be interrupted." I give her a look letting her know not to do it again. I watch as she straightens her shoulders to play it off like I do not intimidate her.

"As I was saying, Me. Jones has no problem with providing financially for his child. The issue that comes into play is the amount of money you are asking for. Also you refused to let him in your hospital room so a DNA test could be done. You have dragged him into a child support case yet you have not allowed him to see the child that may or may not be his. You have also failed to show on the five attempts of a patently test he took the time to schedule." I look over my notes on the case before looking into her eyes. I see her seething with anger.

"I was busy that day." She tries to defend herself.

"All five times?" I question with displeasing look. She just nods her head.

I take a deep breathe. "I will be honest with your Ms. Sean. I don't like my time to be wasted and that's exactly what you are doing. My client and I requested this meeting in hopes that this issue could be settled without getting the courts involved. But after speaking and meeting with you and your lawyer, I now understand allowing the courts to solve this would be better. I will contact your lawyer once the court date has been scheduled. Have a good day." I finish speaking to Ms. Sean and her lawyer.

"Hold the fuck up! I came her today to get a check. Now cut me my damn check!" Ms. Sean slams her fist on the table and jump up.

"Well you expected wrong. Now if you will excuse us, you may leave now." I calmly tell her. I stand up and open the conference room's door for her. She grabs her purse and angrily leaves but now before bumping her shoulder into mine. Her lawyer follows behind her but stops to shake my hand. I grab my brief case from the table and walk my client to his car.

"You sure know how to choose them James." I joke making him laugh.

"What can I say, I've always been a sucker for a fat ass and a cute face." He says making us both laugh.

"But thanks for looking out for me Andre. I appreciate you taking my case. She is trying to get twenty thousand a month in child support and I'm not even sure little man is mine." He shakes his head in disappointment.

"It's fine, sometimes things in life appear to teach us a lesson. If lil man is yours, I know he will be taken care of. My secretary will contact you about what's next with your case. If you have any questions you can contact me yourself. Be easy man." I dap him up before he gets into his Lamborghini and weave through the streets of Miami.

Turning around I walk back into the 10 story glass building known as Harris Law Firm. Throwing a wave to Mark, the receptionist on the first floor, I make my way to the elevator and get in. I press the top floor and think about my upcoming cases.

Five years ago, my life changed. After going to a Technical School to become a mechanic, I found myself missing something. After talking to my parents, I decided to pursue law. I didn't want to follow my Parents' footsteps so I decided to work in custody cases. Not for the parents but more for the children. I want to make sure children, are with the parent who will love and provide for them, Even if it's not the person I am representing.

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