The Colorful Room

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"Those doors-" Coral approached a green door and tried to open it, but it was closed.

"We think the Other Mother is thinking of expanding her business." Amanda Forcible said wryly.

"The door in your house and the door in the old tree of the woods were the only ones that existed, and so my Mother could only feed on anyone who came in through those doors.

"I saw several children's ghosts along with their grandparents. Coral looked at them, shocked by the news.

"She was inside the mirror in the Spectral Room. Rudy explained to the others. "Your relatives are there with souls of children.

"Then some of those doors must be working already." Spink said, then looked at Coral. "Do you have any messages from our relatives?"

"They said I have to find their bodies." Coral stopped for a moment. "How did your grandparents come here?"

"She probably stole them, Coral." Balt said finally. "The Other Mother is capable of many things that we are not aware of."

- What do we do? - Coral could only think of time passing.

The Amanda's got a huge staff from inside the bag, on the end they had a green ball and then took another with a pink ball, each one got a staff and Balt had a bottle of blue powder inside.

"Coral, we are sorcerers by nature and now what we are going to try to do is destroy those doors. Spink spoke and then pointed the pink staff to a door and from inside the staff came a light like that and hit the door, but nothing happened.

- Damn it! They all spoke together.

"Amanda, this will not work. Rudy whispered and then fell to the floor, the Amanda's, Balt and Coral rushed to him.

- What is going on? - Coral was desperate now.

"He needs to get out of here, Coral, and none of these doors open."

- He needs to be strong to help us.

"But this place makes him more dead than he already is."

- He's our best friend. Amanda Spink spoke sadly, looking at Rudy lying on the floor, he still looked like glass, and his hair still looked like black plumage.

Coral wanted to do something, but he did not know what to do and felt they needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. The dolls that were tied up now looked lower, they all seemed to be facing them.

- The dolls are moving. Coral looked around and then looked back at Rudy, who was slowly rising with the help of Balt.

- We have to get out of here. Rudy said, trying hard, he could see how hard he tried not to disappoint his friends. "We have to help Coral find the bodies.

The many dolls began to move sinisterly, they seemed to be possessed by evil spirits, they were all turned toward the boys, and now they all had smiles on their faces, revealing sharp, scary teeth.

- This is not good. Balt said, his hand trembling slightly.

Coral was furious, all those doors were like slaughterhouses for little children, she hated that place, hated the Other Mother and hated feeling weak. She looked toward the dolls.

- WHAT DO YOU WANT YOUR DAMN? - were words directed to Another Mother, knew that surely she was watching them. - IS HE YOUR SON!

"Coral, no use. She loves nothing but herself. Forcible said.

- We have to go to the Labyrinth. Rudy spoke and everyone looked at him. "If she hid something, that's where she must be."

Coral looked back at the dolls coming down, shaking and shuffling, realizing that their eyes were all big black buttons, and then Coral saw, on the other side of the room a tall, slender figure smiling with claw-like hands clutching the doorknob Of one of the doors. She seemed to mock them, and they knew she was not really there, it was just an illusion.

- Enough! - Coral spoke and took the crystal out of the blouse, it was more pulsating than ever, she was so furious that she tightened her grip on him and suddenly he stretched, turning into a huge luminous staff, she did not know the What to do and everyone was amazed by it, Coral pointed to the illusion of the Other Mother and from inside the staff came a huge light of lightning that lit up the whole room.

All the dolls that were about to attack were powdered and even Rudy seemed to be a little stronger with the energy that came out of that Staff, it was something very powerful, but that Coral did not know how to use because then he just came back to be The Crystal that was before.

- What was this? She was as scared as everyone there.

"You're the Savior." Amanda Spink said.

"This crystal in the right hands is capable of everything. Amanda Forcible said.

- Rudy looks better. Balt said and they looked at Rudy.

- But he's still dead. Spink said. "And you need to get out of here.

"She might try to do it again." Balt suggested.

"It will not work, it was just a spurt of energy. Rudy spoke, his voice drawn. "Look around, you've destroyed the dolls, but the doors are still there.

- Shut up, dead boy.

Coral pointed the crystal at him and nothing happened, he touched the Crystal in it and nothing happened. He seemed stronger with the energy that went out, but it was not enough, not for a dead boy.

"You're still transparent." "Coral said to Rudy that he stood without help from anyone.

"And I admit, you're stronger than I imagined, Bonequinha. The teasing smile returned to his face, that smile Coral hated the first time he saw her, but now it made her feel strong.

"Let's find this Labyrinth."

Coral - Coraline's daughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora