The truth

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Coraline's hands gripped Coral's arms tightly, probably leaving big red marks.

"Where's Toby?" She repeated, desperate.

Coral was so scared she could not think straight. Wybie pulled Coraline out of control.

- Calm down, my dear. He hugged his wife and looked at his daughter. "Your brother is gone. We've been looking everywhere.

Coral looked around at everyone standing there, until his eyes stopped in the huge emerald eyes that stared at her calmly. The boy who appeared in his dreams was there, the boy was so white it looked like a paper never scratched, his dark hair was wet with dew, and his eyes really looked like two huge emeralds.

- What are you doing here? Who are you?

"Do not worry, Coral. Amanda Spink said.

- He's on our side. Amanda Forcible continued.

- He's our friend. Balt said gently.

"Do you really trust him?" Coral pointed, did not know why she felt any more uncomfortable around that strangely white boy. "Because you also thought the Cat was on your side, but he seems to be on the side of the Other Mother ..."

- I knew! I knew He was helping her. Coraline said, she was calmer, but the anguish was still in her eyes. I did not want to think about Toby in that other world, I would imagine that he was just lost around. Anything was better than that.

Wybie turned to the boy and for the first time Coral saw the deep seriousness in the eyes of his gentle father.

- Rudy, he's your father. You know him well. Can we trust him?

Coral did not understand what he had just heard, he looked at everyone and she was only surprised by what she might not have heard right.

"Who are you talking about, Daddy?" Coral asked, still with the confusion in his head.

- From the Cat. - the boy replied, and for a second Coral could see a shadow of sadness pass through his eyes. "His name is Lucius, I am the son of Another Mother."

No one said a word, everyone was staring at Coral who was wide-eyed staring at the boy, still surprised by the information. So all that the other mother would actually tell her was a lie, or they were all part of a big conspiracy against her. Because no one ever told her? Her own mother, she always wanted to keep her away from that place, but she never told the truth. Because Coral, at that moment, had the exact certainty that there were more things. More things were hidden. Bigger things.

- Honey, come on, we gotta get into the Otherworld. - Coraline said.

- No! NO! Coral shouted. "You have to tell me the truth. I can not help unless you tell me the truth.

"We can not waste time telling you sweetheart. We need to find your brother. Mirella can not go on with the plan. Wybie said. Mirella was the Other Mother's real name, coral remembered it, she had not lied about her real name then.

"Children, you will stay here. You have to stay inside the house. Coraline said.

I have to go. It's my fault. Toby ... it's my fault. Coral was now tearful, and for the first time since they had arrived there, her parents hugged her, the way they hugged when all was well, when Coraline told her everything, when they were not in danger of being devoured by the Other Mother.

- Do not worry honey. Wybie spoke and kissed the top of his head.

- Everything will be fine. - Coraline did the same.

- But ...

"I can tell you the whole truth. Rudy said, everyone looked at him.

- Great idea. Coraline looked at Amanda's and Balt. "I'll circle the house, you know what it means."

Coral - Coraline's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now