Shadows of the Corridor Part 2

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They all entered the hallway, and at the same moment they felt a freezing cold to take care of everyone, but Coral felt a hot part. She looked at where she had stored the crystal, inside the sweater close to her heart, she could feel the heat that emanated the stone, it was different, it should be cold, but it was not, the white crystal emanated the heat of life and was well guarded with Coral .

The door closed at the moment everyone was inside, the darkness suddenly seemed to be advancing fiercely toward them, but one of Amanda's raised something like a torch, emanating a greenish light, the darkness receded making sounds and grunts like a Injured animal That corridor was evil, Coral felt it in his gut, never felt anything like it, not even when he was with the Other Mother.

"My mother did not say it was so scary here. Coral whispered and only now realized that he was holding hands with Rudy, his hand was so cold that even mixed with that dark environment.

"Maybe she did not want to scare you ..." Balt spoke with a tremor in his voice and looked around.

Both Amanda's were a little ahead, they and Rudy were the only ones who did not appear to be afraid.

"Be careful, this corridor is treacherous. Rudy whispered.

They began to walk sneakily along the corridor, Coral felt that something very slow and very old was crawling behind them, but she did not want to look back, whatever it was already would have attacked if she wanted to.

- Rudy? Coral began to speak. "I can not see the other door." How are we going to get across?

- Do not worry. Just go ahead and do not look back. Rudy glanced over his shoulder and shuddered.

- What are you following us? Coral whispered close to Rudy.

Rudy looked once more back, the other children did not dare to do the same.

Rudy looked like a ghost, as white and as cold as ivory.

- It's her. Or rather, it's just an idea of ​​her. He whispered. "But you can not hurt us, she's not really there."

- The other mother. Coral whispered.

"No. Worse. The Mother of the Other Mother. My grandmother Elzarella. He shuddered and lowered his voice even more. "She's worse than you can imagine."

Coral shuddered.

- What is she? What are you? - She looked down for a second and looked back at Rudy. - What are we?

Rudy kept walking, being the guide of all there.

"Our kind, I'm not sure what we are. But Elzarella ... she's worse. She is something very very old. It's complicated to imagine what it can be. Rudy grinned. "A good thing the other mother did.

- What? Coral asked.

"He buried Elzarella and always takes care that she never get up."

Coral was very confused. If the Other Mother was already considerably diabolical, then what would this Elzarella be? What kinds of mischief could she do. Just to think that Coral shivered all over and the shadows around her seemed to flutter in excitement. They seemed to absorb all the fear they felt. For a second he thought he saw many eyes watching him. Could it be the eyes of the devoured children? Or were they just waiting for the time to devour them? Coral could not stop shaking now. It was the worst nightmare anyone could ever have.

- Do you know? - Coral whispered. Rudy looked at her. "Do you know how to kill your Mother?"

Rudy gave a simple, comforting smile, but did not respond. He was watching a large shadow standing right in front of them.

- What is that? - Balt winced.

The darkness seemed to laugh, Coral could see the shadow of something terrible, an old rotten woman, with a staring look looking towards her, worms walked over her, and her skin looked melted rubbery. Coral closed her eyes, was scared, had just forgotten everything, what was she doing there? Was that the image of the mother of the other mother? Whatever it was made Coral feel dead, empty, like a shell.

"Do not worry, right behind the door. Hold your hands, everyone! Rudy shouted at us. Everyone held their hands and then a burst of pink, green and blue lights emanated from within them, causing all the evil creatures to move away. The door was right in front of them, and just above it the key created with magic and light floated. They opened the door and were finally in the other world.

- That was close. - the Amanda's spoke at the same time, they were laughing, like something that had just gone right. But Coral was serious, she now remembered what she was doing there. Toby was in danger. His parents were in danger. Now it was time to feel angry.

- How do you use that? - Coral lifted the crystal in front of Rudy.

"The Other Mother ..." he began. "She takes the form of the mother of the child she sees. That way, she can never be killed.

- So, as...

"She must be in her true form when we use the crystal."

"So you...-" Coral did not finish the sentence.

"I must stay face to face with my mother. - Rudy completed.

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