- Yes! We will not leave the circle. They all spoke at the same time.

Coraline and Wybie walked out the window, those who stayed inside could see as Coraline lifted her arms toward the house and a pink aura emanated and covered the whole house. Coral looked at her admiringly, did not think her mother could do that. How could she do that? But Rudy had the answer, and in response to his thoughts he spoke.

"I'll tell you how your mother can do this." He looked at the other three, his expression now on someone over a thousand years old, looked so wise and yet so handsome. Coral took that feeling out of his head. If he really was the Other Mother's son, then it really should have been over a thousand years old.

- Rudy? The three of them spoke. Rudy looked at them, Coral realized how much devotion these children had for that boy and so far he could not understand it.

- Prepare everything for the second part of the plan. Do you know what to do?

"Yes," said the three together and left.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Where did they go? - Coral was feeling panicky.

"Do not worry, Coral, everything we're doing is for the good of all. We want to destroy The Other Mother once and for all. Only your brother can do that, if your mother knew the plan, she would not allow it.

"What plan are you up to, huh, your ghost project?" Coral pushed Rudy, with no effect whatsoever, he was certainly stronger than she.

"I still have some powers, doll, and you'll be quiet while I tell you the truth." He moved his hand and made Coral sit in a chair. She could not move anymore.

"Let me go, you fucking dead. You're just like your mother. Just like your father ...

"I'm just like my sister. He said sadly, and now he had Coral's full attention.

- Do you have a sister?

"Yes, I had a sister." Her name was Coralyn ... Jones.

Jones? Coral was confused.

- Yes. Coralyn Jones. My twin sister. Your tattoo will tattoo grandma.

Coral was speechless. She really did not know what to say. As? It was the question that hammered his head. And "how many other amazing secrets will I find out yet?"

"If I could, I'd show you, but I do not have enough power." So, I'll try to tell you the best way, so you can understand.

"From the moment I started to exist I knew it was not normal, I knew I lived in a different world and that my family was different, I never knew what we really were, but I knew it was not a good thing, at least not when My father, Lucio, was also of the same species as my mother, but he was weaker, perhaps because he had a kind heart. My sister was born and in that Mirella saw a great opportunity. "

"There was a prophecy about our species, an ancient good, as old as our mother." And she said: "Of her kind, the female born to protect, the wing that will cover her when the child needs, will never fail, for her task is to love. Of his kind, the male born to destroy, all evil to fend off and fight, for whatever evil he chooses to destroy, it will cease to exist. "

"Mirella is a female of our species, and Lucius a male, but it was the other way around." Then she realized that she was not forced to follow the prophecy, she was evil. But it did not follow the path of love, she wanted to stay young.see, for our species to survive, we have to feed on the souls of the innocent, children or animals, but we do not need to kill them What Mirella wanted was risky and she began to become so hungry for souls of children that this became her most profane desire.And Coralyn and I had no knowledge of this prophecy, and of course we thought we were monsters and that was what we had to So we began to attract more and more children to our wonderful world, and then we would end up with them.Mother liked the eyes, said that she could see everything, but ... to see all those children running out.Charmyn was beginning to feel bad, And now we realized we were not getting old. We were standing still in time. It was then that she discovered, she managed to find out about the prophecy and discovered something else. Mirella was plotting to become young and immortal forever, she needed many children's eyes and the worst, she needed to kill a male of her kind, and blood itself, for the male was destined for destruction, but together with the eyes Which is where children's souls are) the destruction became a form of creation. Then she would be an immortal goddess and planned to make Papa and Coralyn his slaves. But my sister had always been different. She was kind and really wanted to protect those kids, wanted to protect me. So she planned to destroy Mama, but since Mama was very smart, she discovered the plan and punished Dad turning him into a cat because he knew he would kill her for us, but in the form of a cat he could do nothing. She tried to kill my sister who was pulling me by the hand, but before we could escape she managed to grab me. Coralyn along with three other children she had become friends tried to close the doors of the cruel world, but before that, Mirella who was already weak in the fight threw a curse at my sister. She would grow old as a human, and would never have a child of our kind, so no one could ever destroy her. "

"But there was you Rudy, you had the blood ...." Coral stopped talking, staring intently at that sad boy in front of him.

"She also cursed me, said that she would need me one day so she could not kill me, but she took all my blood. He looked at himself. White as paper, he had no blood running through his body. It was as if he were dead. "And so I would not have the power to destroy." She could not imagine the rift in her curse, because even so Toby was born. He is the key.

My sister got three kids as friends, and taught our magic to them. They were the children Spink, Forcible and Bobinsky. They loved my sister because she protected them. And they promised to help her get me out of my mother's clutches, but when they did, I was pretty damn bad. Coralyn did a lot for me and I promised her that I would do anything to stop Mirella, I would not allow more children to be devoured. So it is my duty to tell the story to each succeeding generation. Until this is over.

After all this story, Coral was thoughtful. Everyone thought the world was normal, but there were so many abnormal and dangerous things. And that was her real world. She was a descendant of a strange species of creatures who do not know who they really are. But now she had a certainty, she could trust that boy.

"Anything else on this story?"

- Yes.

"Are you going to tell me?"

- On the right time. There's still a lot going on. It's a story for another time.

Coral nodded positively.

"So how are we going to destroy your Mother?"

Coral - Coraline's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now