Chapter Two Part 1/2

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Amelia Pond dreamed.

Amelia Pond saw.

And Amelia Pond was terrified.

It started off as a good dream, as all nightmares usually start. It was set in their house and it looked much like Amy's Choice when she was pregnant. This time there was no TARDIS, no Doctor and no Melody. There was Rory though, and that's how Amy knew it was a dream, because her Rory is dead.

Amelia Pond didn't care that is was a dream, she didn't care that it would probably hurt her when she woke up, that the pain of Rory leaving her would tear open and fresh agony would be spilled infecting her heart in her every waking moment. She just didn't care. She was going to enjoy this dream and make the most of it, even though the actual person is dread and gone.

Dream Rory came and woke her up with breakfast in bed saying that it was only proper considering that she was eating for two now. Amy replied with, "I'm only one month pregnant. You can't even see the bump yet, so what are you talking about?"

Dream Rory just shook his head and chuckled at his hard-head of a wife, smiling at her antics while putting the tray down on the night table and slipping in bed with her. Saying how much he loves her while cuddling into her stomach, peppering her with little tiny kisses on her stomach and her face. All the while saying how excited he is to be a father and how he'll take such good care of her and the baby.

That's when it all went wrong.

That's when it all went to hell.

And that's when Amelia Pond lost it.

And that is where I'm leaving off. For now I'll maybe update later today. Sorry about such a short part. I know probably not my best work but it'll do. There are 8706 words left to write. If I don't update tomorrow or Sunday I WILL update on Monday. I promise. See you in the next chapter.

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