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Sal and Cassie were busy packing for their honeymoon. They were going to the Caribbean, to have their own private apartment and their own private section of the beach, which is directly connected to the back of their apartment.

"Honey, have you packed all your swimwear?" Cassie asked, as she continued packing her things.

"Yeah...about that. I'm just going to wear a tee and some shorts." Sal replied, rubbing the back of his neck through his nerves. Cassie stepped over to him, putting her arms around his hips and pulling him into a hug.

"Sal, I know you like to wear a top when swimming but for me, please don't. I want to see you comfortable in your own skin, rather than hiding. You have nothing to be ashamed of baby. Your body is beautiful."  Cassie pulled her head up, to look at Sal. He pulled away, with a slight grumble escaping his mouth.

"You don't get it Cassie!" He yelled in an angry tone, "My body is ugly and I don't want anyone to see it!" He started pacing back and forth, becoming angry and panicked. Cassie knew this was coming. He always got angry whenever she mentioned his body. He hates the way he looks and all Cassie wants is to help change that.

"I just want you to be happy..." Cassie spoke softly, barely above a whisper. She drooped her head down to the ground, staring at her feet.

"Just let me be okay? I get that you're only trying to help but just drop it please." Sal replied, his anger had disappeared and he felt bad for raising his voice at her.

Cassie nodded. Not saying a single word in reply. She carried on packing, having Sal watching her every move. He let out a sigh, as he grabbed the packed suitcases and took them downstairs ready for the airport.


The two had found their seats in the plane and were raring to go. Neither had said a word since to each other since Sal raised his voice.

Halfway through the flight, Cassie was watching some rom-com, that followed the same story as all the rest.

She felt a hand wrap around her waist and a kiss on the back of her neck. She removed her headphones and turned back to find Sal resting his chin on her shoulder. He looked deep into her eyes and opened his mouth to speak.

"Sorry..." He whispered. Cassie let out a small smile, as she grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

"It's okay. I just hope you understand that I was just trying to help." She softly spoke in return.

"I do know, Cas. You know I don't like talking about my body...I don't want people judging me." He sighed. Cassie lightly kissed the tip of his nose and smiled.

"Love you" she giggled.

"Love you too baby girl" He chuckled.


The plane landed and the heat instantly smacked them in the face as they stepped foot off of the plane.

They found their way to the resort and checked in.

"I'm so glad Joe isn't here." Sal laughed, as he grabbed their room key and started heading towards their apartment.

"Why?" Cassie asked.

"Because whenever we check in at a hotel, he always checks in as me, goes into my room, turns the heat right up, and takes a shit in my toilet...without flushing." Sal grimaced, dry heaving as he thought of the last time.

Cassie burst out laughing, nearly falling to the floor.

"Oh my god, I love that dude!" She cried through her laughter.

"It's not funny!" Sal laughed, placing their bags to the floor to unlock the door. "Okay...maybe a little." He added.

Sal turned the doorknob and swung the door open, to reveal a modern open-plan apartment. They had a kitchen, which connected to their living area. With a bedroom and bathroom to the side. Towards the back of the apartment, there was a sliding glass door. The sun beamed through the window, to reveal a pathway leading to their private land on the beach.

"It's beautiful!" Cassie exclaimed, as she stared out the window. Sal wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and pressed a kiss to her neck.

"Happy honeymoon baby." He whispered into her ear. She slowly turned to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck, interlinking her fingers together. She pulled him into a long and passionate kiss.

"Let's go swimming on our beach." She smiled, awaiting approval from Sal.

"Sure" He smiled.

They both ran outside, undressing as they went. As she reached the water's edge, Cassie was in her swimsuit. She jumped in and let the cool, clear water surround her. Sal stood to the edge of the water, still in his t-shirt and shorts.

"Come on!" She called as she dipped her head underwater, "the water's beautiful!"

Sal hesitated for a moment. He began to pull his tee over his head before stopping.

"I-I can't do it Cas!" He cried.

Love At First Joke | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now