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Cassie looked taken back. As though Sal was embarrassed to be seen dating her. "Wait, are you embarrassed by me?" she asked, with a single tear roll down her cheek.

"No baby, not at all. It's just, you've not met them yet and they'd take the piss out of me, not you. They'd make jokes about how I can never find a woman, and how I'm not romantic in the slightest. I'm just not ready to tell them about my girlfr-I, er, I mean that I'm dating someone." He softly chuckled, trying to cover up his mistake, after placing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"But surely they'll find out anyway...I mean, why would you just bring a random girl along? Surely they'd be at least suspicious." Cassie queried, as she returned to snuggling into Sal.

"You don't know what they're like Cas...I want to show you off and make it clear you're all mine but it's too soon. I'm sorry." he spoke, pushing out his bottom lip for sympathy.

"Not going to work, you dope." Cassie smirked, referring to Sal's apology, as she kissed the tip of his nose.

"How about now?" He taunted, as he leant his head down to make his lips meet hers, passionately kissing her, before pulling away and playing with the ends of her hair.

"Maybeeee..." Cassie giggled, as she stroked her fingers through his beard. "You fancy staying the night?" Not the typical question she'd ask after a first date but there was no point in Sal going back to his hotel for a few hours before they met in the morning. Sal nodded and started making his bed space out on the sofa and looking around for some sort of warmth for the night.

"What are you doing you goof?" Cassie laughed, as she held her hand up to her mouth. She hated the way she laughed, she thought it was ugly.

"Well I was just getting the couch ready so I can sleep." Sal innocently replied. Cassie rolled her eyes and took ahold of his hand and dragged him up to the bedroom.

"Don't be ridiculous Sal! You'll be frozen down there! Just sleep in my bed tonight, I don't mind. Just don't try anything!" She smirked as she playfully kicked Sal in the shin, whereby he pretended he was hurt before letting out a slight chuckle.

Cassie entered the bathroom to change into her pyjamas. As she re-entered the bedroom, she found Sal in nothing but his boxers, placing his hands over his groin, with embarrassment.

"Sorry, I don't have any PJs with me..." he looked down towards his feet in embarrassment. He couldn't bear to look Cassie in the eye. Cassie let out a giggle before holding his hand and dragging him into the bed.

As they lay on their sides, with Cassie's back to Sal, she slowly snuggled back into Sal's chest, as he snaked his arm around her waist.

"Thank you for today." Cassie whispered, as she drifted off to sleep.

"You're welcome, beautiful." He softly spoke, as he placed a light kiss to the side of her temple and fell asleep.


The next morning, Sal woke up to the sound of running water. He lay there for a short while before noticing that the bed was empty. He sat up as he tried to wake himself up, slowly rubbing his eyes.

"Cassie?" He called out.

"In the shower, Sal! I'll be out in a minute so you can have one" she replied.

"Why? Do I stink that badly?" He chuckled to himself, not thinking Cassie had heard him.

"Yes" he heard her say, through that gorgeous giggle she does.

She walked out of the bathroom, dressed in her favourite band's shirt and some skinny jeans. Sal's jaw dropped. How? How is she mine? he asked himself as she handed him a spare towel to use. Sal planted a kiss on her forehead before walking to the bathroom to shower.


Sal pulled up to the location in which they were filming at. It was a small walkway, not too far from the London Eye. He turned his eyes towards Cassie, before saying "You ready?" lifting up an eyebrow. Cassie nodded.

As they left the car, they heard a man call out to them.

"Hey Sal? Who's your girlfriend?"Joe teased. Sal sarcastically laughed and glared at Joe before walking past him.

"Hi, my name is James, but you can call me Murr." Murr stated, as he shook Cassie by the hand.

"Helloooo, darling" Q called, as he took hold of Cassie's hand and placed a kiss along her knuckles. Causing her to giggle.

"Woah, man. She's literally been here 5 minutes, giver her a break!" Sal snapped. Q lifted his arms up beside his face in defence.

"Hey, wait I know you" Joe interrupted, "weren't you in the bar the other day and we got Sal to ask you for a tip?" he laughed. Cassie nodded.

"Yes," Sal sighed, "but we got to talking after that and Cassie said she'd show us around London, while we're here." He smiled to the group.

"Ahh, well welcome Cassie!" Q yelled, giving a wink to her.


After they had finished shooting and it was time to leave, Joe took Sal aside to talk to him.

"Okay, so tell me...how long have you guys been dating?" Joe asked with a smirk. Sal's eyes widened as he chuckled in embarrassment.

"We-We're not dating" Sal stuttered, nervously, looking down towards his feet, "Okay...how'd you know?" He asked, glaring into Joe's bright blue eyes.

"It's pretty clear when you randomly bring a girl to set" he chuckled, "What do you take me for, a dope?" He joked.

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