A Refreshing Walk

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Olivia woke up with Tucker laying by her side. She recalled the night before, it was just them. They had gathered all the blankets and snuggled up close. Olivia thought of the big question from last night. She maneuvered to where she could see Tucker's face, his eyes were closed. She filled with happiness at the sight. She squirmed out of bed and put her fluffy, baby-blue slippers on. The dishes were still on the table from last night. The sky was still dark, but was being quickly covered up by a light blue blanket. She sat down and grabbed a mug from her cabinet. Tucker had given her this heart-shaped mug for Valentine's Day. She poured herself a full cup of coffee. She sat down on a stool and sat with silence surrounding her. She heard footsteps creeping up on her.
Tucker came out of the dimly-lightened room and into the kitchen. He saw a beautiful sight in front of him. An elegant woman sat down and glanced at who was approaching her.
"Good morning sunshine." Ed said as he kissed her on the cheek.
Olivia looked up and smiled at him.
"Good morning."
Ed headed toward the counters and cooked himself breakfast and some for his companion. He looked outside, it was slowly becoming the lighter. Olivia was overwhelmed with work. She was constantly being reminded of the awful image of shooting the cop. Tucker noticed she was looking worried, almost disturbed.
"Liv, you okay?" Tucker asked with worry.
Olivia came back from the flashbacks. "Yeah, I-I'm alright. I'm fine."
Tucker had learned to not ask too many questions. He knew something was up. The smell of freshly cooked eggs and crispy bacon filled the small space.
The flowers from last night had decayed as they sat on top of the counters. The two sat in stillness. Ed's hand slowly made its way to Olivia's. She noticed the gesture and pulled him closer. She offered a few kisses and pulled away.
"How about we go on a...walk?" Tucker asked.
Olivia nodded and changed clothes. The duo walked out and received some fresh air. Olivia walked outside like she was a child. She walked along the wide sidewalk with joy. Tucker hadn't seen her this happy in a long time. She almost forgot about her treasured son. All of a sudden, memories flashed back. Memories of meeting Noah, protecting him from danger. She stopped for a moment and Tucker got ahead of her for just one second, just one second. He looked behind him and frowned. He knew it was because on Noah. By this time, he had memorized all of her facial expressions and what they meant. Olivia had stopped completely. She froze up. The space in between them quickly became tight. He held her hands like he always does to comfort her. Just the slightest grip made Olivia come back. She shook her head and gathered herself up. Tucker stared at her and Olivia did the exact same.
They found themselves in a café. They sat in the high chairs like they always did. Tucker, being the gentleman, ordered a lemon cheesecake along with some iced water. Tucker didn't dare to mention Noah. After what had happened earlier, he didn't want to. He breezed through different topics and came across one worth talking about.
"So, moving in." Tucker said with a little bit of excitement in his voice.
Olivia had been eating the lemon cheesecake. "Ha, indeed." Olivia remembered. "Noah loves you, he wants you as a father."
Tucker was dumbfounded by what she had said. Instead of adding on, he smiled and hugged his new roommate.

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