»» 17 »»

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»» Carson

"Hey, Mae." I greet into my phone held up to my ear.

"Sup, Carson, what's up?" She wonders.

I fiddle with my fingers as they trail over my notebook in front of me on my desk. This question will probably get me in a bunch of trouble with Grace, but Mae's my friend and I can hang out with friends.

"Okay, so my little brother -"

"Which one?" She asks and I can hear her on the other end plop down on something, probably her bed or a couch.

"Cameron, anyways, my family's celebrating his birthday and stuff and because Grace and I are . . . complicated right now, I wanted to bring you instead." I explain to her, waiting for her reply.

"Me?" She questions, sounding stunned.

"Yeah," I chuckle, "thought it be fun. My family has always loved you and I want to hang out with you and catch up more."

"Well, I mean, when is it?"

"Oh, yeah, right! This Friday, about four days from now at five."

"I think I'm free, so yes, I'd love to join you." She chirps into the landline, I can just picture her smiling.

"Great! See you then!" I grin.

"Cool, bye Carson." She says then hangs up.

"Bye." I whisper when she's gone.

I look at her name and softly lift my lips into a curve, it's been forever since someone at church called us the legendary couple. I don't know why, but I just thought of it randomly. We had so much fun then, just me and her. That week on the dock when we actually told each other about ourselves. It was the week of VBS that we actually confessed we liked one another but the week of camp was when we got to know the other and into a lot of trouble.

No matter what I do, those two weeks are forever etched in my mind. I catch myself remembering them, and it's hard not to smile at the sweet memory. Then I'm sucked back into reality and realize I'm with the other girl of my dreams, I'm with Grace, and I love her. I do and no one has the right to say I don't because I'm pretty positive I know my own feelings.

My phone dings, interrupting my train of thought. Slowly I open up the text from Grace.

Grace : Hey, what are you doing
Friday night?

Carson : Brothers dinner, why?

Grace : Oh, never mind then, I
was going to take you out
to dinner, but your busy

Carson : Don't worry about it, we
                  can go out Saturday,
sound like a plan?

Grace : Sure:) See you then

Carson : Okay, bye, see you

Grace : Bye

Man, even over text I can feel the awkwardness coming off of us. We need to fix our relationship and fast. Hopefully this dinner will resolve everything and restore our once strong bond.

»» oooh! You wonder what's going to happen on Saturday, don't you? Or are you more curious about Friday? Which girls day will be better you think? Any who, thanks for reading, love ya<3

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