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I adjusted my helmet, tilting my head so I could see above me. Marine helmets were annoying sometimes, especially when it felt like you should be able to see the same without it on. If you couldn't tell already, I'm a Marine, a good one at that. Not as good as an ODST or Spartan but I'm still useful. As of now I'm wondering New Mombasa looking for covenant to kill. The group I was with had been under attack and only I made it to the next day; talk about depressing. 

Then I ran into Romeo, an ODST with a blue chest plate and a sniper. We talked for a little bit before deciding to join up and look for his comrades, other ODSTs. I figured it was my best chance of survival and you can always use a trusty Marine to back you up. 

We walked for a ways before hearing some commotion ahead, so we ran to it. We stood over a bowl shaped area high up on a vantage point. Another ODST stood in the bowl, an Engineer in front of them with a drop pod near the two. The Engineer looked threatening and Romeo quickly pulled his sniper up and shot it, causing it to explode (which the ODST saw coming and dove away). After they got to their feet they waved at us; Romeo saluted them.

"Who's that?" I asked, following Romeo into the crater.

"Buck." Romeo replied, jumping off the side of a staircase and dropping to the ground. I glanced over the side but decided to just take the stairs all the way down. Buck greeted Romeo as I walked over, but when the ODST didn't respond, Buck made a comment along the lines of "Oh, permission to speak, smarty." Buck looked over at me, his visor making me unable to see his expression. "Who's your lady friend?"

"(Y/N)." Romeo nodded at me and I smiled in Buck's direction.


"Have either of you seen the others?" He asked, glancing between me and my companion. 

"Nah." Romeo shook his head, sighing. We sat in silence for a moment as Buck thought.

"Well let's get movin'." He said, grabbing his assault rifle off the ground and walking off.

It didn't take me long to figure out Buck was the leader of the ODST squad, and it wasn't long before he took his helmet off. My first reaction was 'He's pretty cute', now it's 'He better be single'. Of course, around the same time I had that thought I met Dare. I could see the connection between the two and I fumed for about a minute. 

Then the anger became jealousy, which up until this point was crazy hard to keep undetected. Then, when both of their helmets were off, Dare kissed his cheek. I would've taken her right then and there, shouted to stay away from him, but she deserved him more then I did. I mean, come on. She's an ODST, she's pretty, she's a boss, and the other ODSTs even like her. Why on Reach would Buck like me, a lowly Marine?

I was sulking, sitting on a box when the Engineer Dare made friends with floated over to me. I sighed and looked at it helplessly, sadness in my eyes. It chirped and placed a tentacle-like-thing on my helmet. I smiled and removed my helmet, seeing it didn't move its tentacle, another one reached up and scrapped some slime on my forehead, making me laugh and pull away. 

It chirped again before floating a little ways away, its tentacles flourishing underneath it. I felt eyes on me and turned to see Buck looking at me intently, a soft smile playing on his lips. Seeing I was looking at him, he awkwardly looked down, playing with his helmet.

"Buck?" I walked over to him, making him look up to meet my eyes. I took a moment to admire his blue eyes before continuing. "Can I talk to you for a minute, in private?" He seemed confused by the question, and maybe a little bit nervous (I could be wrong on that), but nodded. I had left my helmet back on the box but I figured I wouldn't need it.

We walked a little ways away from the others then I stopped. I turned to him and silently breathed in and out, finding myself tense. "Are you and Dare a thing?"

"What? No!" He shook his head, making his hair swish from side to side.

"Oh good." I breathed.

"Why?" There was the start of a smirk playing on his lips which made me confused.

"Oh you know, don't want you distracted." I shrugged. He rose his eyebrows as if to say 'Are you sure'. "Yep." I kicked my foot at the ground as we both lapsed into a slightly awkward silence.

"I don't know if you're telling me the whole truth." Buck folded his arms and stared me down. I tried to look innocent but I don't think it was working. "Go on, spill." I said nothing. "I won't judge you (Y/N)." Should I tell him? I mean, I know he's never going to like me,and we're not going to be in each other's company very much longer, and I'm probably going to die because I'm a Marine anyway, so why should it matter?

"I like you." I stated it so simply it was like breathing. He was clearly surprised at my confession, even took a small step back and dropped his arms back to his side. I waited for the easy let down of 'I don't like you back' with an inward sigh. At least I could say I did it in the end.

"Good." In one swift movement I was in his arms and his lips were pressed against mine. I didn't have time to think about what I was doing, or I simply chose not to think as I kissed back. Chirping from something nearby made him slowly pull away and face the Engineer, who was waving his tentacles around and watching the two of us with all of his black eyes.

"Hey buddy." It amused me to watch Buck pat it on the head, mostly because he didn't really like the Engineer yet here he was doing it anyway. He must've been in a good mood, which I'm sorta hoping I'm responsible for. The Engineer wrapped one of its tentacles around my wrist and pulled me back towards the others as I glanced at Buck.

He sighed and followed the two of us back, wondering why the "biological supercomputer" had to ruin the moment. 

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