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A/N: This is my interpretation of what Rookie looks like. If you don't like his description feel free to change it!

I ducked behind a crate, holding my pistol in one hand and my empty SMG in the other. Stupid covenant, I thought. It was roughly 6 hours ago that my ODST team dropped down in our drop pods, but something happened and now we're split up. 

I woke up an hour ago. My pod had crashed hard into the concrete ground of the city New Mombasa, knocking me out. I woke up, got the thing open, and climbed out. By that time the sky had taken on a reddish color, and it would've been beautiful if the covenant hadn't shown up.

Right now I'm fighting off a couple Brutes and Grunts, nothing too hard. But I didn't drop with a fully loaded SMG like I thought I had, so the gun was out. If I had time I would've ran for a dead Brutes plasma rifle, but right now wasn't a good time. 

I was alone, had no one to cover for me, and it was too wide open for me to sprint there and grab it; I'd get shot. So far I'd eliminated most of the Brutes, but two remained and who knew how many Grunts were waddling around.

"Over here!" I heard a Grunt say and I quickly shot it in the head, not noticing it had moved to a position it could've shot me from. Heavy footsteps approached and I prepared myself; once the Brute came around the corner I jumped and slammed into it, making it stumble backwards. I punched it in the face then shot it in the head, making it drop. A couple Grunts shot at me and several shots hit, making me wince and shoot them.

When no other sound could be heard I straightened, surprised. Nobody else? Alright. I smiled lightly, though if anyone were to look at me they couldn't see it. I still had my helmet on and I wasn't planning on taking it off anytime soon. 

Then a hand grabbed my shoulder roughly and I tried to pull away. But the Brute, who had learned to be sneaky apparently, grabbed the plate over my chest and lifted me off the ground. I dropped my magnum with the force and now dangled helplessly as it laughed. I tried kicking it, pulling its fingers off, hitting its head (that was covered with a helmet), even attempted to knock my helmet against him but nothing worked. I dropped my hands to my sides, almost sighing at myself in disappointment.

Then a frag grenade flew in, landing directly under the Brute's feet. It noticed and cried out, diving to the side and dropping me. After my butt hit the ground I saw the pin wasn't pulled, making me grin (because hey, I wasn't going to die from a Brute or a grenade). 

An ODST ran over, shooting the Brute up with their SMG, killing it within a few seconds. After it was dead they turned to me and I noticed it was Rookie, the new recruit.

"Thanks Rookie." I got to my feet, snagging the grenade from the ground. "That was smart, I'm impressed. It's no wonder they chose you to join our squad." He nodded. I waited, but when he said nothing I grinned. "Not a talker?" He shook his head a little. "That's alright." I took my helmet off and put it under my arm so he could see my smile. "I'm (Y/N), but I guess you already knew that." He didn't do anything for a few seconds, then he nodded. "We should look for the others. Have you seen them?" He shook his head. 

I sighed and nodded, walking over to pick up my half full magnum and a red plasma rifle off the ground. Rookie held his SMG ready and started jogging down the mostly deserted road. I followed after putting my helmet back on.

We passed cars scattered around the streets, litter dotting the paths, trucks blocking some of the ways, doors locked shut. The first thing Rookie found was Dare's empty pod, which served as a clue but not much else. What was the point of knowing where someone was hours ago? I scanned the area for any threats as he checked it out and I noticed a smashed window up on a building. 

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