Evie | biography

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Evie is an ordinary girl who loves tea

and reading books. She surrounds

herself with the warming aroma of

the cafe in her little town. On this day

she was enjoying a cup of tea with a

slice of blueberry cake that she

ordered. The workers knew her well

because she was the sweetest and

most kindest regular that they had.

There was this boy that always walks

into the cafe with a loud grumpy

voice demanding for his coffee. Evie

didn't seem to like him very much

and she thought of him as a lazy

grumpy man without his coffee.

Evie is a quiet girl. When she was

younger she was always loud and

talkative but that changed when her

mother died from cancer. She steered

away from her friends and she grew

more closer to her family. She

wouldn't want to lose any one from

her family again. She would go to the

café of her mothers best friend when

she was younger. Mary reminds her

of her mother, her personality is no

different than her mothers. She was

bubly and cheery. And that made Evie

happy because it was close to having

her mother right beside her.

- A / N -

Italics are the person's past


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