Dear Diary, ... Regards, MRWIT.

228 12 43

March 6th, 201X

Dear diary, ...

honestly, I never believed in the "writing your secrets and thoughts down in some stupid notebook and hope nobody will read it"-thing. Not when the doctor told me to, not when my teachers wanted me to do it, never.
But now I have nobody left to talk to.. Nobody's left to hear my secrets. It's only you and me.. But I can't do this anymore.
I can't continue on living like nothing happened at all. Like I'm the only survivor. I.. I can't.

Fault is nagging at me, memories are haunting me, dreams are torturing me. That, what I'm doing now, can't even be considered as "being alive", because I am not.
I died on the inside, more and more, with every friend whose life was taken because they let me be a part of it.

By the way, thanks for that, guys. I will never forget it. They are good memories.  Precious memories.
Because all of you paid with your life.


Today's the day Brian died.
His death was the worst to survive. He was my best, my only, friend. We even lived next door.. It was pretty funny when we found out..
You can't see it, dear diary, but I'm smiling right now. Yes, tears are streaming down my face, but they did the whole time. Why?
Because today's the day Brian died.
Because today's the day I'm going to die.

I'm sorry.




Uhm.. Heya.
Soo.. What'cha thinkin'? Too depressing? Not?

Wanna see another diary entry?
Yes? Whose?

Ugh. Just tell meh.

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