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He was powerful, getting through so easily, but he was doing something else. You know when a limb's fallen asleep, and that jarring feeling you get whenever you move it to wake it up? This was like that, only all over my body, and it was much worse. Johnny forced me to my knees, and it was difficult to move, and it hurt if I did by even a twitch. I couldn't even feel the pain in my right knee.

It could've been Damon or Felix, but one of them had Gabriel in their grip, and they were probably doing the same thing too. I couldn't even try to ask him if Eli was okay. More things crashed in the kitchen. Gabriel closed his eyes and then he collapsed.

"G-!" I couldn't even speak. It hurt, yes, but making a sound just wasn't possible. It hurt to even breathe.

I couldn't feel Damon touch me, but I knew it when my eyes stung and I blinked it away, though pointless. Kylie was gone. Clapton was on his feet, standing under the archway as before. I couldn't see Eli-probably in the kitchen, most definitely hurt. Felix was holding Gabriel and-

Felix was holding Gabriel, holding his arms behind his back, but Gabriel's body was on the ground. I wanted to scream but only a choking sound came out.

Clapton smiled. "You're smart-I'll grant you that. All things considered, I'm still willing to go through with our deal. You see how much you're worth it, but now the price has gone up.

"You originally had two choices, Ms. Mills. You could've joined us as you are, and I would've allowed Damon to give you the Sight permanently. By doing so, that allowed you to do our bidding in your human form. Your second choice was you could've joined us in spirit-form, and I would have had Felix remove you from your body. No-you wouldn't have been dead, and neither is Gabriel here right now. You would've just slipped back into your little coma.

"Now, you have only one choice, Ms. Mills, and it decides all your fates. Work for me as a human and-when I need you to be-in spirit-form. I'll put Gabriel back into his body, Eli back into his-if he can get in-and never bother them again. Say 'yes' and Damon will give you the Sight right here and right now. You'll be able to go to school and do all your regular activities... but when I tell you to do something, you will do it without question-in spirit or other wise. Either way, I will own you.

"Say 'no'... and I will have Eli messed up so bad he can't get back into his body... or he'll wish he never had. I could do the same to Gabriel... but I could also have him walk out into traffic. Say 'no' and I'll make your life a living hell."

Clapton nodded to me-well, Johnny Boy-and the jarring feeling in my throat and around my jaw lessened.

"So, Ms. Mills, do you have an answer for me? Keep in mind that, if you go back on your word, I can always make your life a living hell. But, not just yours will be hell-your family and friends' will be too."

Did I need to think about it? "I'll-"

He gasped, immediately clawing at his neck. Clapton fell to his knees, his face starting to look more transparent, losing its glow.

Eli stood behind him, his hands in Clapton's neck. "Consider this payback." He turned to me and Felix. "Put them back as they were, or I kill him."

Felix shook his head. "You can't do that. He's already dead."

"You think this is the final stage?" Eli laughed a little. "Is there really no other place left for him to go?" Clapton's face was practically invisible, and it started to spread down his shoulders. "Wherever he's going, it shouldn't take him too long to get there."

"It's not going to work," said Damon, his hand still on me. He and Felix didn't seem bothered at all, despite how horrible it looked.

Eli raised an eyebrow. "So, you've tried this before? Doing to a ghost what you usually do to spirits? What happens if I don't let go? I can barely feel him now." The invisibility already reached his waist. His arms were 'gone' but his body jerked like he was still clawing at his neck.

No one said anything, not even Damon, Felix, or Johnny Boy. I realized the boy from earlier had left long ago. We all just watched silently for the next few minutes until the invisibility engulfed Clapton completely.

Eli dusted off his hands. "Oh. Look at that. All gone."

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