"Hi..." I say softly

"Wassup?" She asks cheerfully

"I can't make it to the party."

"What, why?"

"I'm sick. Cough, Cough. See" I say literally saying 'cough'.

There was a silence before she responded "Well I hope you get better. I got to go."

"Okay..." I say and faked a cough

About thirty minutes later I was hand-standing in my room my back against the wall.

"53... 54..." I chant the seconds I've been hand-standing

"What are you doing?" I heard which mad me jump and I fell to the ground.

I jump up rubbing my back as I see Kirby staring in confusion "I'm bored." I state

"I can see you didn't go to the party"

"Nah, I told penny I'd be busy." I lied

He waved his hands gesturing to me now with a 'really?' look plastering his face.

"Oh, you did the same thing!" I rolled my eyes as he puts his hands up in defense "so what brings you here?"

"Left my jersey here yesterday" he says walking to my closet whilst I sat on my bed

"Uh Kirby?" He turns his head to look at me "One. You weren't wearing a Jersey yesterday and two. If you were, why would it be in my closet?"

"Okay, I lied. I knew you probably wouldn't have gone so I wanted to hang with you." he scratches the back of his head

My cheeks felt a bit warm as he nervously smiles. Why have I been feeling so weird around him these days?

"So what you wanna do?" He said avoiding my eyes

Was he blushing?

"I don't know," I say banging the rest of my body on my bed

I looked at Kirby from between all my pillows and he was still avoiding my gaze. I crowed my brow at him my head still on my pillows.

"Are you okay?" My voice muffles in the pillows

He finally looks at me and gives a small smile then spoke "yeah, I'm fine"

I snap my fingers getting off my bed. "I got it!" I yell smiling cheekily

"Got what?" He asks as I get a hold of his hand pulling him out the door and down the stairs.

As I reach my destination aka the kitchen I smiled to Kirby gripping his hand a bit tighter. I drop his hand and start searching for what I needed. Kirby hops on the counter looking confuzzled as I take out the flour and sugar.

"So what are you doing?" He questioned

"Getting the ingredients," I chirp

"Ingredients for what?"

"We're making cookies!" I chitter taking the eggs

His eyes widened "Cookies? Cookies as in icing and sprinkles and rainbows?" He says doing an arch gesture with his hands for a rainbow

I roll my eyes and giggle at his definition "yeah, if you want to call it that,"

"Isn't that kinda girly and will most likely ruin my reputation?" He fake pouts

I roll my eyes grabbing his hand again pulling him off the counter "Do it for the fun?" I look up to him with puppy dog eyes.

"I ain't gon' do it!" He quotes vine with a chuckle "alright," he smiles "what should I do?"

Sketchers {Completed & Pretending to Edit it}Where stories live. Discover now