Chapter 1: World War 2 Begins

Start from the beginning

"What do you think Lucio?" asked one boy.

"I don't know Concetto, but I have a feeling the world is going to change" he replied to him.

They looked at the tried twins. One of the twins was older and he had a lighter shade of brown hair.

"Hey Feliciano, how long do you think we can go on?" the younger brother with darker hair asked.

"I honestly don't know Lovino" he replied truthfully.

Feliciano thought to himself To be honest, I hope this war ends soon. I don't think I can keep up. My country doesn't feel as strong as I remember. Axis please don't fight for so long.

-In Germany-

Two girls were walking to class while two older man passed them. The crowd behind them praised them for their hard works. As the two girls walked to their school, some students began to throw rocks at one of the girls! She ran to the girl's bathroom with her friend close behind her.

"Perahta! Ignore them! They are just jerks!" her friend shouted.

"How can I Malene? My family did help those worthless people. I don't understand why" she cried in the bathroom.

Malene felt sad for her friend. She thought This war needs to stop. This suffering needs to end. This has gone on for too long. Please end this war.

-Near the camps-

A girl sat near the iron fence. She was always curious about the other side of the fence. She saw two children working in the fields.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" she shouted to them.

The older brother was breaking rocks while the younger sister was taking a break and pretending to break the rocks. Their clothes were torn apart. They heard the bell ring and were called back. The girl's pile was still big and the older brother was helping her.

"Can I help?!" she shouted again.

They were finished with their load and then walked away! The girl opened her notebook and then ripped a piece of paper out. She then wrote down something on the paper and turn it into a paper plane. She threw the paper plane across the fence. The older brother caught the paper plane and waved good bye to her. She waved good bye and headed back to her house to wait for her father. The older brother was surprised to receive a letter. Once they were in their rooms, he opened the letter as his sister laid on her bed.

Hello! I am Jessabelle. I live in Germany. I am 16 years old. I have only one parent and he works in the fence. Please write soon ok?

He smiled at the letter and then found some papers and pens and began to write to her.

Hello Miss Jessabelle. I am Peppi I am from France. I have a little sister called Julia. We don't know where our parents are.

He walked outside and threw the letter to the other side of the fence. He hoped his new friend would receive his letter. He began to think about what had happened to him and his sisters.

Flashback In Peppi's POV

I was with my little sister in the carts. We were with our parents but then they divided us. I couldn't find my mom or dad. However, I held on to Julia's hand. As we were being pushed to a cart with other kids, a guard came to me.

"Give me her" he ordered me in German.

"No, she is my little sister. It is my job to protect her" I answered him in German.

He smacked me, hard, across the face. I fell down and held my face and fixed my glasses. I heard my little sister scream and I looked up. He grabs her arm and was pulling her away from me! I didn't want to use my powers, but I took off my glasses and then waved my hand downward. The guard was force to the ground and he released my little sister. She ran over to me and helped me up.

"Are you ok?" I asked her, my voice filled with worry.

"Yes, I am ok" she answered me as she hugged my arm.

I completely forgot about the guard and was unaware to the guards surrounding us. Most of them were afraid of me. I couldn't blame them. I would be scared too if someone showe me this power. I released the guard from my power. He scurried away from me while everyone froze.

"What are you?" he asked me.

"I am not sure. I was just born with these powers" I answered him as I held my glasses.

The group of guards huddled around themselves and began to have a discussion. Then the guard I had attacked, looked at me, and walked to me.

"I will allow you to leave this place and you can work alongside our leader" he offered.

"What about my sister?" I asked him as she held onto my arm tighter.

"She will stay here" he said to me.

"No, I will not go" I answered him.

"You are a foolish boy" he said as he took my sister and I to a cart.

I knew one thing. I could fight them if they harmed my sister or if I had made any friends in this place.

End of Flashback

He soon went to bed and held his sister close to her. The world was in peril. Everyone was preparing for war.

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