Training with ''Them'

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After taking a shower in the morning, Hamilton told you were training with them Laurens', Lafayette and Mulligan
on the Guns. You nodded your head and got your uniform on. ''How does this fit you!?'' You said. ''Y/N, They were made for boys/men'' Lafayette said.

''right, Lets go?'' All of them agreed. ''Y/N, Are you good with guns?''The freckles boy said ''Yep.. my father got a gun for me... just in case someone broke in our house, And I'm pretty good!'' You replied. You all arrived and saw the targets.

You and Laurens' started first ''Get your shit together laurens' cuz' I'm about to kick your ass'' You said ''Yeah right'' He said back... That angered you. You hit the middle of the target, John wasn't far off.

''beat you, Ha!'' You laughed at him. he muttered under his breath ''Bitch...''. Politely you said Hamilton, Mulligan and Lafayette could have a go, While they were shooting you tackled John down ''Who's then bitch now?'' He rolled you over ''You''. The rest of the gang turned around ''Someone's getting a bit to personal'' Hamilton said while darting his eyes at him. ''Fight, Fight, Fight!''

George Washington ran quickly, ''Men! The British has started invading, Get your guns instantly, Charles Lee has been made second in command, So listen to him!'' You stare at the gang and run to the tent.

You hug all of them... ''Stay safe, Guys. I don't wanna lose you'' ''Neither do we'' Mulligan said. You opened the tent zip, ''Here goes nothing''.

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