Before Tryouts

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The day of tryouts:

"Get up Arista." my mom whispered while shaking me in my bed.

"Hum?" I whimpered while turning over to face my mom. I checked the clock and says the numbers 5:30. Why do I have to go watch Tianna's tryouts?

My mom walks out of my room and starts towards my sister's room. I rub my eyes and sit up. I slowly push my swore legs out of my bed and wobble over to my window. I open the blinds hoping for some extra light, but it's pitch black outside. I close the blinds and turn on my light.

I slowly lower myself on to the carpet and sit in a straddle. My legs are cramping from doing all if those heel stretches last night and I can't be hurting for tryouts.

I stand up quicker than I sat down. My legs feel some much better and I'm relieved. I grab my clothes that I picked out last night and shove them on.

With my bow in hand I walk over to my bathroom and start on my hair. I constantly tease the front of my hair until it is shaped into the perfect poof.

I pull the rest of my hair up and secure it with a hair tie. I then straighten my pony tail and apply some mascara and liquid, gold, sparkly eyeliner. I do a quick scan of myself and walk out of the bathroom.

I still need breakfast and to put my Nfinity's on. So I run downstairs and enter the garage for my shoes. They are on the last row if the shoe rack and I pick them up with just my index fingers. I go sit on a kitchen chair and put on my shoes.

"How does waffles sound girls?" my mom asks.

"Good. Can I have Nutella on mine?" Tianna asks as she step off the last step of the staircase.

"Syrup and powder sugar for me." I announce. Tianna comes and sits next to me. She starts humming Twilight's music from last year while I triple knot my left shoe. I have finished tying my shoes and grab for the kitchen TV remote beside me. I flip through channels and find nothing so I look at the VCR and click Worlds 2013.

"Yeah this is my favorite one!" Tianna squeals. My mom hands us both a paper plate with a waffle on it, perfectly topped with our chosen topping.

I hurry through my waffle and so does Tianna.

"Mom it's 6:45 I don't want to be late!" Tianna exclaims.

"Then grab you bags girls and let's get in the car!" my mom says with a smile.

T and I jump off our stools and lean down to the floor where our bags are. Tianna grabs her sparkly, pink, Nfinity bag with a monogram that says TAC on it, standing for Tianna Caty Anntello (pronounced Anne-tell-oh). I grab my black, sparkly, Nfinity bag with my monogram, AAB on it, standing for Arista Bridgette Anntello.

I skip out of the kitchen and hop in the passenger seat of a gold Jeep Cherokee. I push in the CD of all WC team's music from last year an start mouthing the words to Twilight's.

Once it gets to Twinkle's music I turn it on, facials and all. I mark the routine with my hands and once I hit they're ending pose my mom pulls into a parking spot right in front of the door to the gym.

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