I'm Chasing The Twinkles

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My name is Arista and I am on World Cup Allstars Little Dippers and Starburst, a youth 3 and junior 4 team. I have my full and all skills to it. I have worked on level 5 stunts before at a Starbursts practice and Coach Chrissy complemented me on how good they were. The coaches at WC know that I have the necessary level 5 skills and I can't wait until tryouts tomorrow. I'm shooting for Twinkles and to cross maybe to Starlites.

1 Day till tryouts:

"Arista you have to eat your meat to be prepared for tomorrow!" my mom nagged for the third time.

"Fine." I sighed and stuck my fork in my mouth.

"My I be excused?" my little sister Tianna asked.

"Yes you may." my mom told Tianna. Teenie(that's what we call her at the gym) was my mom's favorite. Teenie had a clean sweep last year with her tiny team Twilights and was hoping to do it again with the same group of 4 going on 5 year olds. No girls would age out of Twilights this year.

"Me too?" I asked.


"But only one hour if TV tonight girls then it's off to bed at 8:30." my mom shouted as we walked away.

I turned around to face my mom and said "But mom I'm almost 10."

"I don't want to hear it Arista you have to be up at 5:30 tomorrow to get ready because your sisters tryouts are at 7:30 and yours are shortly after at 10." my mom explained to me.

"Come on Arista I really want to watch the new episode of Jessie. It comes on in 4 minutes! Well 3 minutes now." Tianna whined.

I sighed and turned right to enter into our theater room.

I sat and pretended to watch Jessie with Tianna while I was actually trying for the hundredth time to beat level 30 on Candy Crush.

"That's it girls. Go pick out your outfits for tomorrow and straight to bed. I don't want to hear any noise after 8:30. That gives you 30 minutes, use it wisely." my min said while peeking into the theater room door.

I turned off the projector and walked up the stairs. I strode back towards my parents room, but made a quick left before getting there to enter Tianna's room. It was decoded with all things World Cup and even custom gold, sparkly paint was on her walls.

"What color do you want to wear tomorrow T?"

"I don't know, but something to match my knew bow."

Tianna's new bow was a black bow with a sparkly gold iron on that said Teenie with a crown over it. So I pulled out her old practice uniform top that was black and in gold sparkles on the front said TWI vertically and LIGHT on the back horizontally with stars all around it. For bottoms I got out some gold spandex that we purchased three month ago at CHEERSPORT Nationals in Atlanta.

"Is this good?" I asked my sister, but when I turn around she's in her bed asleep already. Typical 4 year olds. I grab her stuffed animal cheetah, Spark, from the end of her twin bed and put it near her. I slowly walk out of the room an turn her light off.

I walk down to the end of the hallway to my room and prepare to be flooded with decisions of outfits to wear. I hunt for my cheetah print shirt that reads in black letters: I'm a World Cup girl, living in a World Cup world! And on the back it says Arista in gold letters. For bottoms I grab plain old black Nike Pros. I walk over to my bow wall and grab my black bow with gold lettering on it that says "Big bows and Nike Pros".

I check the time and I still have 10 minutes till "bedtime" so I pull my Stunt Stand out from under my bed and practice heel stretch to heel stretch high to highs. I hit them every time until my mom scares me by opening my door.

"It's 8:35, I gave you 5 extra minutes." she says with a stern look on her face.

"Ok." I sigh and push my Stunt Stand back under my bed. I stand up straight and roll my shoulders back before jumping in bed. My mom turns the lights out and I instantly fall asleep, dreaming World Cup dreams.

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