Elephants and confessions

Start from the beginning

Two hours later we saw a lot of more animals and now we are sitting on a park bench and having lunch. Eating in the public isn't something I really like. But I am so into a deep conversation with Justine that I don't really notice, that I finished my sandwich. "How old are you Demi?" Justine asks me after throwing our rubbish in a bin. "I'm 19, turning 20 in August! You?" "Wow, I would have never guessed that. You seem to be so much older and wiser. I am 25. Turning 26 in September."


She really doesn't seem to be 19. That's amazing. She is very mature. The way she acts and speaks and talks to me seems so much older. I'm really impressed. "I hope you don't mind hanging around with a grandma then?" I ask smiling. "God, no. You are just 25. Lot's of my friends a older. I've always been "older", you know." She says smiling back.

"You didn't tell me yet what you are working! Or a you still at school?" I just notice that I didn't ask her that yesterday. She bursts out laughing. "What's wrong with you? What is so funny?" I ask wondering.


D: "I was really glad you didn't ask that yesterday because my job is ... It's different.!"                        

J: "What do you mean with that?"
D: "Justine what do you know about the music industry or about the movie industry?"
J: "Honestly? Nothing. I don't really watch TV, it's boring. Well I like going to the movies, but hardly watch TV, accept for Grey's Anatomy and the news of course. Back in LA we even had no TV in our apartment, because it was broken and my roommates didn't want to buy a new one. I was good with that. And the music industry? Puh, I don't know. I've never been one of those fans addicted to a musician. I love music, don't get me wrong. Songs catch me, I like them or I dislike them. I sing and dance along with them. I just love songs and their lyrics, but I hardly know the musician behind it. I don't even have a favorite musician or actor."

I was smiling the whole time. She is so cute. "Well do you know the song "Skyscraper" or "Give your heart a break"? I ask her and suddenly I notice my sweaty palms. I'm excited.

"Yes, I know these songs. Skyscraper especially is so beautiful and really, really touching. Why?"

"Well they are my songs. When ever you hear them on the radio, I'm the musician behind them."


"No way! Are you kidding me?" I feel my whole face blush in a deep, deep red. "That is so embarrassing. I had no idea. You are this girl? Demi Lovato, right? I'm so sorry, I.. Oh my god."         

I swear if there would be a hole on the ground I would definitely jump in. That's really awkward. I can't help myself but start laughing. I look at her face and she joins in. That situation was so surreal.      

"So yesterday at the airport, when I asked you to search for a pimple in my face, because this guy took a picture, he took it of you right?"

"Maybe he was just amazed by you! I don't know", Demi says still laughing.

"For sure. Jesus Christ, that's really embarrassing. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. It was not intentional." I apologize myself over and over again until Demi asks to stop.

"It's ok, I'm not Lady Gaga or Madonna! Or don't you even know them?" she says sassy.

"I guess I know them, but I can not guarantee that I would recognize them when they pass me without a bodyguard or a screaming crowd walking behind them. But however I know you now. And I promise you that I won't forget you!"

"Come on let's finish our little tour. There are some animals left." She gets up and starts walking. I shake my head, still not really back out of this hole in the ground. But I stand up and follow Demi.


We had so much fun at the zoo. I took tons of pictures of the animals and of course some of Justine and me. I really enjoyed myself. Although she found out who I am, she didn't ask me questions about my living in the industry. She just wanted to know more about me as a person. We talked about childhood memories, free time activities and my passion for music. She told me that she had to learn playing guitar and flute during her school time because it was part of the curriculum. She also took piano lessons since she was 4. So music is definitely something we have in common. After the zoo visit she invited me to starbucks, where we sat at a table and enjoyed our coffee. Around 6 pm we got back to my car. I offered her a ride back to her friend's apartment and she sat down at the passengers seat.


I had so much fun today. It was amazing and I have a feeling, that Demi could become a really good friend of mine. We have a lot in common and we always find something to talk about. I really regret, that I didn't meet her during my time here in LA. "What are your plans for tomorrow?" I ask her during our ride back home. "I don't know. I'm staying at home, maybe I'll call some friends over." She answers.

"No, I have a better idea! Let's meet for lunch and afterwards I want to show you a really cool place!" I suggest. She smiles at me and nods. "I would love that!" she says. "Can you pick me up at this place at 11.30 am?" I ask her sending her a message with the address. "And wear something comfortable."

We arrive at the apartment building and Demi stops her car. "It was a lovely day with a very lovely person!" I say to her seeing her cheeks blush. "You are funny and honestly super nice. I like you!"      

"Thanks, so are you. I loved this day! And I'm falling for elephants as well!" she grins. "Bye Demi!" I tell her and hug her. I get out of the car and watch her drive off.

Because of you (Demi Lovato fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now