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One day my teacher Miss Koala told me to write a story about carrots. So here is my story. I woke up and went to school. I had math and it was so boring. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It was so bad my head exploded and by brain juices went everywhere. So now I have no head. Then I had Chinese and I researched Chinese food. It made me hungry but now that I have no head I guess I cant eat. So then I had a bunch of other boring subjects. Then last period I had Miss Koala as my teacher. It was humanities and I had finished my assessment so I had free time but I was so bored. I asked Miss Koala what to do and she told me to write a story about carrots so yeah but I don't want to go home and tell my Mum I have no head. This is why I should never go to math. So Miss Koala reads this story she should give me free carrots and get me out of MATH.
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